Rethinking Ageing: Are we prepared to live longer?

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  • 5 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif

Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Worldwide population ageing trends
    The course begins with the big picture when it comes to global population ageing over the 21st century. Together we explore from both a social policy and demographer perspective what is actually happening to our current and projected lifespans. The video lectu...
  • Week 2 - Lifelong participation
    There are a myriad of ways people continue to participate in their later years. Week two dives into the physical and psychological changes that are more common in later life and how the gains in technology advancements enable people to be active, independent a...
  • Week 3 - Planning and design for an ageing population
    This week highlights the planning and design principles for an age-friendly environment for housing, retirement communities and health care settings. We showcase information technology software, such as mapping and data visualisation to identify population tre...
  • Week 4 - Economics of ageing
    In this week, Professor Ian McDonald explores private and public support for older people with examples from Australia and other parts of the world. He covers the major sources of risk that make decision-making and planning for our later years difficult, incl...
  • Week 5 - Ageing well
    It is a common sentiment that we all want to live longer, but we don't want to get older...These seemingly conflicting thoughts reflect some of the ideas Associate Professor Briony Dow and Dr Dominique Martin will cover in Week 5. This week takes a thoughtful ...




Rebecca Kippen
Senior Research Fellow
Melbourne School of Population and Global Health

Dominique Martin
School of Population and Global Health

Louisa Remedios
Director of Teaching and Learning
School of Health Science

Eleanor Curran
Consultant Psychiatrist
Public Mental Health Service

Alan Pert
Melbourne School of Design

Ian McDonald
Emeritus Professor
Faculty of Business and Economics

Briony Dow

National Ageing Research Institute

Fernando Sanchez
Chair of Health Informatics
The University of Melbourne

Rob Moodie
Co-Chair Hallmark Ageing Research Initiative
Melbourne School of Population Health

Simon Biggs
Professor of Gerontology & Social Policy
School of Social & Political Sciences

Debra Virtue
Melbourne School of Health Sciences

Clare Newton
Associate Professor
Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning

Tara Sklar
MOOC Project Coordinator; Co-Director of Ageing Programs; Research Fellow in Health Law
Melbourne School of Population and Global Health

Jack Barton
Urban Data and eResearch Facilitator
Australian Urban Research Infrastructure Network (AURIN)


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