Communicating with Robots and Bots

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  • Niveau Introductif

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Détails du cours


Module 1: Robots, bots and communication

  • How robots are presented in popular culture and the media
  • Ways to define a robot
  • Why people build (or don't build) humanoid or humanlike robots
  • The difference between robots and bots

Module 2: Bots and socialbots

  • What it's like to interact with some bots
  • How and why bots are designed to be humanlike in order to be 'socialbots'
  • Broader conceptions of bots and their activities in digital spaces
  • Socialbots and bots as they become more specifically embodied

Module 3: Robots in the home

  • The potential of more sophisticated robots designed to act as personal assistants
  • Robots that do more practical work around the home
  • Assistive and care robots, designed to help older adults and people with disabilities of all ages
  • Telepresence robots that allow people to interact with one another at a distance in more flexible and active ways than teleconferencing technologies such as Skype or Facetime

Module 4: Robots at work and on the road

  • Remote operations as an extension of telepresence
  • Robots at work more generally and the question of whether your job might be at risk
  • The introduction of self-driving and semi-autonomous vehicles onto road systems also populated with human drivers, cyclists and pedestrians
  • How ethics can be built into robots and the importance of ethics for designers and manufacturers of robotic technologies




Eleanor Sandry
Lecturer in Internet Studies
Curtin University

Gwyneth Peaty
Internet Studies
Curtin University


L’université Curtin est l’institution d’éducation supérieure la plus importante de l’État d'Australie-Occidentale. Elle a son principal campus à Perth, dans cet État. Fondée en 1966, elle fut d'abord connue comme le Western Australian Institute of Technology (WAIT) puis à partir de 1986 comme l'université de technologie Curtin avant de prendre son nom actuel en 2010. Elle est nommée d'après John Curtin, premier ministre d'Australie pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.


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