Common Core in Action: Literacy in the Content Areas- Exploring Literacy Design Collaborative Template Tasks

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  • 6 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif

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Détails du cours


In thefirst section of this course, you will review the Common Core shifts andbe introduced to the Literacy Design Collaborative model. Then you will examinethe template tasks. Next you will learn what makes a quality task and designone of your own. You'll also have opportunities to explore Literacy DesignCollaborative resources to support your learning of the model. Finally you willeither revise the task you previously wrote or design a new one, based onfeedback from your peers, and then create a brief plan of how you could useyour task.


Throughoutthis course you will explore resources and watch video excerpts that describethe Literacy Design Collaborative model and teachers' experiences with itsimplementation.




  • Lisa Mount


New Teacher Center improves student learning by accelerating the effectiveness of new teachers and school leaders. NTC partners with states, school districts, and policymakers to design and implement systems that create sustainable, high-quality mentoring and professional development; build leadership capacity; enhance teaching conditions; improve retention; and transform schools into vibrant learning communities.


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