Introduction to Cataract Surgery

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Unit 1: Prior to the Operating Room
    This unit describes what needs to take place prior to getting the patient to the operating room. Although this unit may seem trivial, knowing when to make the decision to do surgery, having a good informed consent discussion, selecting an intraocular lens and ...
  • Week 2 - Unit 2: In the Operating Room and Getting to the Cataract
    This unit begins in the operating room after the patient is prepped and draped. It covers each step needed for you to access the lens. Once you begin operating, you will realize that each step of surgery has a domino effect. If the beginning steps are not done...
  • Week 3 - Unit 3: Removing the Cataract and Intraocular Lens Placement
    This unit is where all the fun begins. The lectures cover lens and cortex removal. We also discuss intraocular lenses and their insertion into the eye. While lens removal is the most critical step of surgery, it is also where the most serious complications occ...
  • Week 4 - Unit 4: Cataract Complications and Extras
    This unit covers some additional tools and strategies you will need to manage complications and difficult cataracts. Just like every person isn’t the same, neither is every cataract. Fortunately, we have many tips and tricks that will help you succeed no matte...




Elizabeth Du, M.D.
Clinical Assistant Professor
Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, Kellogg Eye Center


L'Université du Michigan (UM, UMich ou simplement Michigan) est une université publique de recherche située à Ann Arbor, dans le Michigan, aux États-Unis. Fondée en 1817, l'université est la plus ancienne et la plus grande du Michigan.

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