Big Data Fundamentals

Big Data Fundamentals

80 h
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  • 10 sĂ©quences
  • Niveau IntermĂ©diaire

DĂ©tails du cours


Section 1: The basics of working with big data
Understand the four V’s of Big Data (Volume, Velocity, and Variety); Build models for data; Understand the occurrence of rare events in random data.

Section 2: Web and social networks
Understand characteristics of the web and social networks; Model social networks; Apply algorithms for community detection in networks.

Section 3: Clustering big data
Clustering social networks; Apply hierarchical clustering; Apply k-means clustering.

Section 4: Google web search
Understand the concept of PageRank; Implement the basic; PageRank algorithm for strongly connected graphs; Implement PageRank with taxation for graphs that are not strongly connected.

Section 5: Parallel and distributed computing using MapReduce
Understand the architecture for massive distributed and parallel computing; Apply MapReduce using Hadoop; Compute PageRank using MapReduce.

Section 6: Computing similar documents in big data
Measure importance of words in a collection of documents; Measure similarity of sets and documents; Apply local sensitivity hashing to compute similar documents.

Section 7: Products frequently bought together in stores
Understand the importance of frequent item sets; Design association rules; Implement the A-priori algorithm.

Section 8: Movie and music recommendations
Understand the differences of recommendation systems; Design content-based recommendation systems; Design collaborative filtering recommendation systems.

Section 9: Google's AdWordsTM System
Understand the AdWords System; Analyse online algorithms in terms of competitive ratio; Use online matching to solve the AdWords problem.

Section 10: Mining rapidly arriving data streams
Understand types of queries for data streams; Analyse sampling methods for data streams; Count distinct elements in data streams; Filter data streams.


Candidates interested in pursuing the MicroMasters program in Big Data are advised to complete

andbefore undertaking this course.


Frank Neumann
Professor, School of Computer Science
University of Adelaide

Vahid Roostapour
PhD Student, School of Computer Science
University of Adelaide

Aneta Neumann
Postgraduate Researcher, School of Computer Science
University of Adelaide

Wanru (Kelly) Gao
Lecturer, School of Computer Science
University of Adelaide


University of Adelaide


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