Bayesian Statistics

Bayesian Statistics

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - About the Specialization and the Course
    This short module introduces basics about Coursera specializations and courses in general, this specialization: Statistics with R, and this course: Bayesian Statistics. Please take several minutes read this information. Thanks for joining us in this course!
  • Week 1 - The Basics of Bayesian Statistics

    Welcome! Over the next several weeks, we will together explore Bayesian statistics.

    In this module, we will work with conditional probabilities, which is the probability of event B given event A. Conditional probabilities are very important in medical de...

  • Week 2 - Bayesian Inference
    In this week, we will discuss the continuous version of Bayes' rule and show you how to use it in a conjugate family, and discuss credible intervals. By the end of this week, you will be able to understand and define the concepts of prior, likelihood, and post...
  • Week 3 - Decision Making
    In this module, we will discuss Bayesian decision making, hypothesis testing, and Bayesian testing. By the end of this week, you will be able to make optimal decisions based on Bayesian statistics and compare multiple hypotheses using Bayes Factors.
  • Week 4 - Bayesian Regression
    This week, we will look at Bayesian linear regressions and model averaging, which allows you to make inferences and predictions using several models. By the end of this week, you will be able to implement Bayesian model averaging, interpret Bayesian multiple l...
  • Week 5 - Perspectives on Bayesian Applications
    This week consists of interviews with statisticians on how they use Bayesian statistics in their work, as well as the final project in the course.
  • Week 5 - Data Analysis Project
    In this module you will use the data set provided to complete and report on a data analysis question. Please read the background information, review the report template (downloaded from the link in Lesson Project Information), and then complete the peer review...




Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
Associate Professor of the Practice
Department of Statistical Science

David Banks
Professor of the Practice
Statistical Science

Colin Rundel
Assistant Professor of the Practice
Statistical Science

Merlise A Clyde
Department of Statistical Science


L'université Duke est une université de recherche privée nord-américaine, située à Durham (Caroline du Nord). L'université est nommée d'après la dynastie Duke. 

Bien que l'université ne fût officiellement fondée qu'en 1924 (ses racines remontent jusqu'en 1838). Fréquemment appelée la « Harvard du Sud », Duke est l'université la plus sélective du Sud des États-Unis. 

L'université est membre de l'Association des universités américaines, une association qui, depuis 1900, regroupe les universités de recherches d'élite d'Amérique du Nord.


Coursera est une entreprise numérique proposant des formations en ligne ouverte à tous fondée par les professeurs d'informatique Andrew Ng et Daphne Koller de l'université Stanford, située à Mountain View, Californie.

Ce qui la différencie le plus des autres plateformes MOOC, c'est qu'elle travaille qu'avec les meilleures universités et organisations mondiales et diffuse leurs contenus sur le web.

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