Crafting an Effective Writer: Tools of the Trade (Fundamental English Writing)

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  • 5 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif

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Détails du cours


Unit 1:  Becoming a Successful Online Learner
Introduction to the course with a course navigation tutorial; strategies for being successful in the course and in any online learning environment; information about how you might make your success in the course useful in your future educational experience.
Unit 2:  Parts of Speech
The eight main parts of speech; why knowing the parts of speech will help your writing; the sentence; observing the world.
Unit 3:  Subjects and Verbs
Another way of looking at the parts of speech -- the building materials put to use in the structure of the sentence; gerunds, imperatives, and infinitives; thinking about verb tense and voice; regular and irregular verbs; building your confidence with empowered sentences. 
Unit 4:  Clauses and Phrases

Adding to your basic sentences with clauses and phrases;combining ideas and creating complexity; the four sentence types; creating your writing style. 

Unit 5:  Composing and Writing
The writing process; revision vs. editing; punctuation, spelling, and commonly confused words; writing a paragraph.




  • Lorrie Ross - English
  • Ted Blake
  • Lawrence (Larry) Barkley


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