Antimicrobial resistance - theory and methods

Antimicrobial resistance - theory and methods

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Welcome to the course
    This module is basically a welcome to the course were you can find information on the Course structure, the contents you will be learning in the next modules, the grading, and introduction to the instructors and to the teaching material.
  • Week 1 - Module A- Antimicrobial and antimicrobial action
    Antimicrobials and antimicrobial action ( includes two lectures and one quiz). Here you will learn a lot about antibiotics/ antimicrobials and you will know more about:what they are, where do they come from, what are the major groups and how can we classify th...
  • Week 2 - Module B - Antimicrobials and resistance
    This module containd information about antimicrobials and the development of resistance in bacteria including causes for resistance and their mechanisms, as well as an insight in how resistance disseminates and how it can be selected.
  • Week 3 - Module C- Antimicrobial susceptibility testing
    This module deals with antimicrobial susceptibility testing in the laboratory: its importance and use, descriptions of the methods and their applications and detailed descriptions of the procedures applied for the main methods.
  • Week 4 - Module D- Interpretation
    This module gives practical insight on how to interpret antimicrobial susceptibility results.
  • Week 4 - Module E- Quality assurance
    This module is dedicated to Quality management and Quality assurance (QA/ Quality control (QC) procedures and use of QC strains to assure the qulaity of results of antimicrobial susceptibility testing: importance, elements and principles.
  • Week 5 - Module F- Alternatives to AST- Genome analysis tools
    As alternative to the phenotypical methods, the researcher might decide to use genotypically based methods to identify genes of interest. in the lectures of this module we present the Resfinder tool which may be used to find resistance mechanisms ( genes and i...




Lina Cavaco
Ext Associate Professor
Copenhagen University- ICMM /Statens Serum Institut - Department for Bacteria, Parasites and Fungi

Pimlapas Leekitcharoenphon
Research Group for Genomic Epidemiology, DTU Food

Rene S. Hendriksen
Professor, PhD
Technical University of Denmark, National Food Institute, Research Group of Genomic Epidemiology

Valeria Bortolaia


DTU focuses on research in technical and natural sciences that contributes to the development of society. As an industrially orientated university, our goal is to supply high-level international research based on combining theory with constructing models and empirical methods.


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