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The Art and Archaeology of Ancient Nubia

- À son rythme
- Accès libre
- Certificat gratuit
- 8 séquences
- Niveau Introductif
Détails du cours
Week 1: LostLand Emerging: The Geography of Nubia
Week 2: In the Beginning: Pre-History to the A-Group
Week 3: The B-Group, C-Group, and Pan-Grave Cultures
Week 4: The City and the Kingdom: The Kerma Culture
Week 5: The Empire Strikes Back: New Kingdom Occupation
Week 6: Nubian Renaissance & Naptan Nubia
Week 7: Southern Strategy: Meroitic Nubia
Week 8: The Long Twilight: Post-Meroitic Nubia
- Peter Lacovara - Michael C. Carlos Museum of Emory University

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