Agile Development in Practice (Project-centered Course)

Agile Development in Practice (Project-centered Course)

32 h
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  • 8 séquences
  • Niveau Intermédiaire

Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Introduction to Your Project
    Welcome to this project-centered course. By completing the four prerequisite courses, you are now ready to bring together all that you have learned and apply it to develop a product from charter to user testing. To get started, read the course overview and in...
  • Week 2 - Develop Personas and Problem Scenarios
    Welcome to Week 2. This week you'll work on getting a baseline on your personas and discovery plan. Submit this by the end of the week to get (and give) feedback to help improve your final product. If you want to accelerate your learning, go ahead and get star...
  • Week 3 - Complete Persona Discovery
    Welcome to Week 3. This week, you'll continue working on persona development by interviewing at least three people. As you process the transcripts, look for key learnings and share these in the discussion forum, noting how these interviews impact your directio...
  • Week 4 - Design and Test Your Value Proposition
    Welcome to Week 4! This week, you're ready work on Milestone 4: Design experiments to test your value proposition. This is an intensive--and exciting--week as you'll get to actually run your tests. Spending around 5 hours probably means just testing your exper...
  • Week 5 - Create Strong User Narrative
    Welcome to Week 5! This week, you'll focus on creating strong user narrative, going in depth to detail out the user experience and plan atomic rewards. You'll develop epic user stories, child stories, test cases--and then put them up on the wall using sticky n...
  • Week 6 - Design Prototypes and Usability Test for Them
    Welcome to Week 6. This week, you'll focus on developing your user test plan, exploring patterns & comparables for one user story, and then drafting at least two different concepts for that story based on alternative patterns and comparables. You'll also devel...
  • Week 7 - Conduct User Testing and Submit Your Full Project for Review
    Welcome to week 7. This week you will conduct user testing and reflect on the results. With this accomplished, you can finalize your Venture Design Template and upload it (or a link to it) for your peers to review next week. We're excited to see these project...
  • Week 8 - Review Your Peers' Projects
    Welcome to week 8, our final week together. Your main assignment this week is to carefully review at least three different projects. This is no small task--but please complete it promptly so that everyone can receive their Specialization Certificate on time. W...




Alex Cowan
Faculty & Batten Fellow
Darden School of Business


L’université de Virginie (appelée aussi UVA, UVa, Virginia) se trouve sur la côte Est des États-Unis à Charlottesville, dans l'État de Virginie. C'est aussi un site inscrit depuis 1987 au patrimoine mondial de l’Humanité défini par l’UNESCO. L’université a été fondée en 1819 par Thomas Jefferson, l’auteur de la Déclaration d’indépendance et le troisième président américain. 

L'université de Virginie est un établissement d'enseignement supérieur public réputé qui appartient au réseau Universitas 21. Toujours classée dans le top 25 des universités américaines, elle fait également partie des « Public Ivies », un réseau regroupant les meilleures universités publiques du pays, qui sont réputées dispenser un enseignement au niveau comparable à celui des établissements de la Ivy League.


Coursera est une entreprise numérique proposant des formations en ligne ouverte à tous fondée par les professeurs d'informatique Andrew Ng et Daphne Koller de l'université Stanford, située à Mountain View, Californie.

Ce qui la différencie le plus des autres plateformes MOOC, c'est qu'elle travaille qu'avec les meilleures universités et organisations mondiales et diffuse leurs contenus sur le web.

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