Advanced Data Structures in Java

Advanced Data Structures in Java

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  • 6 séquences
  • Niveau Intermédiaire

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Introduction to the Course
    Welcome to the first week in the third course of our Intermediate Java Programming Specialization. Once again start with introductions, and in particular introduce the unique structure of this course. Also, if you're not sure if this course is right for you,...
  • Week 2 - Introduction to Graphs
    This week we'll start getting technical, introducing you to the central data structure in the course: Graphs. You'll learn the basics and then have a chance to dive in a little deeper into the code, getting ready to start building that Google Maps-like applic...
  • Week 3 - Class design and simple graph search
    This week you'll get the backbone of your map search engine up and running. In previous courses, including the previous courses in this specialization, you've probably been given most of the classes you needed to complete the assignments. But learning how to...
  • Week 4 - Finding shortest paths in weighted graphs
    In the past two weeks, you've developed a strong understanding of how to design classes to represent a graph and how to use a graph to represent a map. In this week, you'll add a key feature of map data to our graph representation -- distances -- by adding we...
  • Week 5 - Route planning and NP-hard graph problems
    In this week, we'll go beyond the problem of finding a path between two points, and focus on problems requiring overall path planning. For example, if you wanted to go on errands and visit 6 different locations before returning home, what is the optimal route...
  • Week 6 - End of Course Project Extension
    You made it to the last week of our course! We're glad you're still with us. As a reward, there's no new content to learn this week. Instead you'll get the opportunity to extend your project in a direction of your own choosing. We hope you've got some neat...




Leo Porter
Assistant Teaching Professor
Computer Science and Engineering

Mia Minnes
Assistant Teaching Professor
Computer Science and Engineering

Christine Alvarado
Associate Teaching Professor
Computer Science and Engineering


L' Université de Californie à San Diego est une université publique de recherche sur les concessions de terres à San Diego, en Californie. Établi en 1960 près de la Scripps Institution of Oceanography préexistante, l'UC San Diego est le plus méridional des dix campus de l' Université de Californie et offre plus de 200 programmes menant à un diplôme de premier cycle et des cycles supérieurs, recrutant 33 096 étudiants de premier cycle et 9 872 étudiants des cycles supérieurs. 

L'UC San Diego est considérée comme l'une des meilleures universités au monde. Plusieurs publications ont classé les départements de sciences biologiques et d'informatique de l'UC San Diego parmi les 10 meilleurs au monde.


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