Advanced Chemistry

Advanced Chemistry

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  • 5 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Kinetics
    The study of chemical kinetics is the study of change over time. It answers questions like: How fast are reactants consumed? How fast are products formed? This unit is dedicated to the exploration of how these questions are answered. We will look at the experi...
  • Week 2 - Chemical Equilibrium
    This unit introduces the concept of chemical equilibrium and how it applies to many chemical reactions. The quantitative aspects of equilibrium are explored thoroughly through discussions of the law of mass action as well as the relationship between equilibriu...
  • Week 3 - Acid-Base Equilibria
    The concept of equilibrium is applied to acid and base solutions. To begin, the idea of weak acids and bases is explored along with the equilibrium constants associated with their ionization in water and how the value of the equilibrium constant is associated...
  • Week 4 - Aqueous Equilibria
    This unit continues and expands on the theme of equlibria. You will examine buffers, acid/base titrations and the equilibria of insoluble salts.
  • Week 5 - Thermodynamics
    The overarching theme of thermodynamics is the prediction of whether a reaction will occur spontaneously under a certain set of conditions. Entropy and Free Energy are defined and utilized for this purpose.




Dr. Allison Soult

Dr. Kim Woodrum
Sr. Lecturer


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