Action-Driven Business Plan: From the ‘Classroom’ to the World

Action-Driven Business Plan: From the ‘Classroom’ to the World

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  • 6 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif
  • Sous-titres en Romanian

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Welcome & Make a Plan
    Create a completed non-business plan (a series of actions each of which moves your idea toward implementation), including a list of the activities to be undertaken, with degrees of importance (scale of 1 to 3, where 1 is ‘most important’).
  • Week 2 - Zoom Out
    Write a diary: recording conversations, data, insights, day by day, gleaned from a variety of sources, by face-to-face chats, email, Web searches, etc.
  • Week 3 - Zoom In
    A revision of the original product or service idea, in light of information gathered in the Zoom Out process
  • Week 4 - Shape the Business Design - part 1
    Begin to design the business or organization that will successfully implement your creative idea. Prepare an activity map.
  • Week 5 - Shape the Business Design - part 2
    Prepare an initial cash flow statement, showing money flowing out (operations; capital) and flowing in. Estimate your capital needs realistically. Prepare a bootstrapping option (self financing). Prepare a risk map.
  • Week 6 - Write a Business Plan
    Prepare a business plan comprising five sections: The Need; The Product; Unique Features; The Market; Future Developments. Include a Gantt chart (project plan – detailed activities and starting and ending dates); and a project budget. Prepare an effective ...




Prof. (Emeritus) Shlomo Maital
Prof. Shlomo Maital Sr. Research Fellow, S. Neaman Institute, Technion
Industrial Engineering


The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology is one of the world's top science and technology research universities. The Technion was founded in 1912 and its main campus is located in Haifa, Israel


Coursera est une entreprise numérique proposant des formations en ligne ouverte à tous fondée par les professeurs d'informatique Andrew Ng et Daphne Koller de l'université Stanford, située à Mountain View, Californie.

Ce qui la différencie le plus des autres plateformes MOOC, c'est qu'elle travaille qu'avec les meilleures universités et organisations mondiales et diffuse leurs contenus sur le web.

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