Introduction to Acoustics (Part 2)

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  • 6 séquences
  • Niveau Intermédiaire

Détails du cours


Week 1. Radiation – Breathing & Trembling SphereProblem

What happensif we have a certain discontinuity that is a function of three spatialvariables (e.g. x,y,z for Cartesian coordinate)?

- What are theradiation characteristics of a breathing sphere, which is assumed to vibrateomni-directionally with equal magnitude?

What is thedifference between a breathing sphere and a trembling sphere, which vibrates ina certain direction with a uniform velocity?

Week 2. Radiation – Baffled Piston & Finite VibratingPlate Problem

How can wegenerate sound? By the fluctuation of fluid particles or the vibration ofstructures? How are they related?

How can weunderstand the radiation of a finite vibrating plate? Can we assume this plateas numerous vibrating pistons?

 Week 3. Scattering& Diffraction / Kirchhoff-Helmholtz Equation

How can weexpress the wave propagation when it is reflected due to the presence of discontinuitiesin space?

How can weexplain the circumstances under which we can hear sound but cannot see thesound source?

What is the relationbetween the wavelength and the diffraction?

Week 4. Wave Propagation in Space / Reverberation Period and its DesignApplication

If there aredifferent types of impedance distribution in space, how can we explain thepropagation characteristics?

How can weacoustically define ‘large’ or ‘small’ space’? Is it related to the frequency?

Is there anymeasure that can represent the characteristics of the space?

Week 5. WavePropagation in Space / Duct Acoustics

How can weexpress the sound field that is neither fully diffuse field nor only a directfield?

When the sizeof the space is small relative to wavelength, what happens to the propagationof sound?

When thelength of one direction is significantly greater than the cross-sectionaldirection of the space, how does the wave propagate with respect to itswavelength?




Yang-Hann Kim
Mechanical Engineering


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