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Abortion: Quality Care and Public Health Implications

- À son rythme
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- Certificat gratuit
- 6 séquences
- Niveau Introductif
Détails du cours
WEEK 1: Abortion in the U.S. And Around the World
- Introduction to the public-health frameworkof this course
- Who has abortions, why, and how do theyaccess care
- History of abortion and abortion stigma
WEEK 2: Abortion, Professionalism, and Patient-Centered Counseling
- Principles of pregnancy options counseling, abortion counseling,and informed consent
- Abortion in the United States after legalization
- Professional responsibilities around abortion care
- Values clarification about abortion care
- Conscientious provision and refusal in abortion care
WEEK 3: Abortion in the First Trimester
- Clinical aspects of medication abortion, aspiration abortion,post-abortion contraception, and pain management for abortion
- Legislative and policy obstacles to abortion access
WEEK 4: Abortion after the First Trimester: Obstacles to Accessing Safe Abortion in the U.S. And Worldwide
- Who has abortions after the first trimester and how do theyaccess care
- Clinical aspects of abortion after the first trimester
- Role of patient preference in appropriate care
- Guidelines for safe abortion care and the principles of high-quality abortion care across settings
- Complications and myths about abortion
WEEK 5: Overcoming Obstacles to AbortionAccess
- Sociology of abortion especially related to health andhealth-care disparities
- Impact of obstacles on clinical care
- Importance of abortion training for health professionals
WEEK 6: Early Pregnancy Loss and CourseConclusions
- Patient-centered care for early pregnancyloss
- Counseling and decision making for earlypregnancy loss
- Relationship between early pregnancy losscare and abortion care
- Course conclusions
- Jody Steinauer - Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences
The University of California, San Francisco, is dedicated to promoting health worldwide through advanced biomedical research, graduate-level education in the life sciences and health professions, and high-quality patient care. UC San Francisco is the only campus in the University of California system dedicated exclusively to the health sciences. UCSF's innovative, collaborative approaches for health care, research and education span disciplines across the health sciences and make it a world leader in scientific discovery and its translation into improved health.

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