A Brief History of Human Spaceflight

A Brief History of Human Spaceflight

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  • 9 séquences
  • Niveau Introductif

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Détails du cours


  • Week 1 - Introduction
    A welcome video and course syllabus
  • Week 2 - Unit 1 - Apollo 11 Moon Landing
    Learn about the Apollo 11 moon landing with interesting interviews with the astronauts who made history
  • Week 3 - Unit 2 - Humankind’s Musings on Space Travel
    Learn about how previous generations thought about the possibility of space travel
  • Week 4 - Unit 3 - Early Rocketry
    Learn about how rockets were developed from the ancient Chinese through today's powerful rockets
  • Week 5 - Unit 4 - Early Soviet Space Program
    Learn about steps the Soviet Union took to launch the first man in space
  • Week 6 - Unit 5 - Mercury Program
    Learn about the United State's first efforts to put a human in space
  • Week 7 - Unit 6 - Gemini Program
    Learn about how NASA refined their human space flight program in preparation for a moon landing
  • Week 8 - Unit 7 - Apollo Program
    Learn about the last technical innovations required to land a human on the moon
  • Week 9 - Unit 8 - Early Space Stations
    Learn about how the early steps taken to send humans in space for extended missions




Dr. Chuck Layne
Professor and Department Chair
Health and Human Performance


The University of Houston System’s four universities and six regional campuses comprise the only comprehensive higher education system serving the world’s energy capital and the Gulf Coast region. Among institutions nationwide, the UH System remains a model of diversity and a reflection of the city it serves.


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