4 Ways VR Will Impact the Future of Tech Careers

4 Ways VR Will Impact the Future of Tech Careers

6 min
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  • Écrit par Tessa Wegert
  • Sur www.themuse.com
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  • Niveau Intermédiaire

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The Muse (formerly known as The Daily Muse) is a New York City-based online career source founded in 2011 by Kathryn Minshew, Alexandra Cavoulacos, and Melissa McCreery. The company aims to build the "most beloved, trusted career destination in the world" for the millennial age group and older professionals by offering job listings, company profiles, expert advice, skills-building resources, and coaching services to the millions of candidates using the platform.


The Muse (formerly known as The Daily Muse) is a New York City-based online career source founded in 2011 by Kathryn Minshew, Alexandra Cavoulacos, and Melissa McCreery. The company aims to build the "most beloved, trusted career destination in the world" for the millennial age group and older professionals by offering job listings, company profiles, expert advice, skills-building resources, and coaching services to the millions of candidates using the platform.

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