Write Maintainable Python Code

8 h
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  • From openclassrooms.com
  • Self-paced
  • Free Access
  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 4 Sequences
  • Introductive Level

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Part 1 - Write Clear Code Using PEP 8 Guidelines
1. Write Python Code That Explains Itself
2. Write Python Code That’s Easy to Read
3. Write Bug-Repellent Python Code
4. Use Linters to Keep Your Code Tidy
Quiz: Apply the PEP 8 Style Guide to Python Code

Part 2 - Solve Common Programming Problems With Design Patterns in Python
1. Build Complex Systems With the Help of Design Patterns
2. Avoid Confusion With the Constant Design Pattern
3. Create Flexible Functions With the Decorator Design Pattern
4. Structure an Application With the MVC Design Pattern
5. Implement the Model for Your Application
6. Implement the Controller and View for Your Application
Quiz: Solve Common Programming Problems With Design Patterns in Python

Part 3 - Apply the SOLID Principles to Python Code
1. Discover Good Programming Practices With the SOLID Principles
2. "S" for the Single Responsibility Principle
3. "O" for the Open/Closed Principle
4. "L" for the Liskov Substitution Principle
5. "I" for the Interface Segregation Principle
6. "D" for the Dependency Inversion Principle
7. Avoid STUPID Practices in Programming
Quiz: Apply the SOLID Design Principles to Python Code

Part 4 - Congratulations!
1. Course Summary



To succeed in this course, you will need an introductory knowledge of Python programming, which you can acquire with the following course:

  • Learn Programming With Python


Daniel Timms
Software developer, course creator, and mental mathematics coach.


OpenClassrooms (formerly Le site du Zéro or SdZ) is a website that offers courses about computer science and entrepreneurship. Online courses can be made both by site staff, professors of universities or colleges partner as by its members.

Today, courses are available in several formats: MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), web text, e-book, book and video. The company delivers certifications for certain courses, including one recognized by the state in partnership with IESA multimedia.


OpenClassrooms (formerly Le site du Zéro or SdZ) is a website that offers courses about computer science and entrepreneurship. Online courses can be made both by site staff, professors of universities or colleges partner as by its members.

Today, courses are available in several formats: MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), web text, e-book, book and video. The company delivers certifications for certain courses, including one recognized by the state in partnership with IESA multimedia.

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