Use Python libraries for Data Science

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  • Self-paced
  • Free Access
  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 2 Sequences
  • Intermediate Level

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Part 1 - Analyse data with Numpy, Matplotlib, and Seaborn
1. Operate on NumPy arrays
2. Create graphs with Matplotlib
3. Explore your data visually with Seaborn
4. Get Some Practice Analyzing Data using the Scikit-Learn Library

Part 2 - Manipulate a dataset using Pandas
1. Transfer your data from NumPy to Pandas
2. Manipulate data contained in DataFrames
3. Apply relational algebra operations on DataFrames
4. Get Some Practice Manipulating a Dataset Using Pandas



To take advantage of this course, you must be familiar with basic programming in Python and be able to install Python and its libraries using Anaconda. If you do not have these prerequisites, please start by taking the following course:

  • Learn Python basics for data analysis


Kurt Schuepfer
Ph.D. from Miami University. Data Scientist. Founder and Chief Strategist at Accelerate Data Academy.


OpenClassrooms (formerly Le site du Zéro or SdZ) is a website that offers courses about computer science and entrepreneurship. Online courses can be made both by site staff, professors of universities or colleges partner as by its members.

Today, courses are available in several formats: MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), web text, e-book, book and video. The company delivers certifications for certain courses, including one recognized by the state in partnership with IESA multimedia.


OpenClassrooms (formerly Le site du Zéro or SdZ) is a website that offers courses about computer science and entrepreneurship. Online courses can be made both by site staff, professors of universities or colleges partner as by its members.

Today, courses are available in several formats: MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), web text, e-book, book and video. The company delivers certifications for certain courses, including one recognized by the state in partnership with IESA multimedia.

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