University of Cambridge: The Neuropsychology of Decision Making

University of Cambridge: The Neuropsychology of Decision Making

24 h
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  • 5 Sequences
  • Introductive Level
  • Starts on June 16, 2024
  • Ends on December 21, 2024

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Teaching week 1 - Introduction to neuroanatomy & neurodevelopment

This week will provide participants with a basic understanding of anatomy and development, providing an important basis for the following weeks. This week will not have a specific focus on decision making, but provides students with a basic knowledge that will be needed to be able to understand the later content on decision making.

Learning outcomes:

Develop an understanding of basic brain anatomy

Develop a basic understanding of how the human brain develops

Teaching week 2 - The importance of the prefrontal cortex

This week will provide participants with an understanding of what the prefrontal cortex is and how it is involved in high order processes, specifically decision making. Participants will gain a general understanding of what makes the prefrontal cortex unique in terms of structure and function. This week will cover research evidence surrounding the involvement of the prefrontal cortex in various aspects of decision making.

Learning outcomes:

Develop an understanding of what the human prefrontal cortex is and why it is important in decision making

Teaching week 3 - Neurotransmitters, Neurophysiology and decision networks

This week will build upon the anatomical and physiological knowledge developed so far, gaining a more complex understanding of how decisions are made. Participants will learn about the neurotransmitters involved in a decision and how they 'act' in terms of physiology. Participants will also learn about brain connectivity, specifically research evidence surrounding the specific connections and networks involved in decision making.

Learning outcomes:

Building on previous learning to develop a more in depth understanding of the decision making process from a neurophysiological perspective.

To begin to build an understanding of the brain networks involved in decisions.

Teaching week 4 - Decision making styles & the role of childhood experiences in decision-making

This week puts the previous weeks learning into an applied context, exploring decision making and development of decision making as a dynamic process. Specifically, there will be a focus on differences in decision making style exhibited in adulthood and factors in childhood that can affect the development of decision making.

Learning outcomes:

To be able to put their previous learning into context.

To build on basic neuroanatomical and physiological understanding from previous weeks, to explore the development of decision making in more detail.

To develop a further understanding of decision making and what influences it.

Teaching week 5 - Decision making deficits

This week brings together everything covered in teaching weeks 1-4 in terms of neurotypical decision making, to explore deficits in decision making, such as that seen in schizophrenia. The content this week will cover observed decision-making deficits, research evidence suggesting underlying biological causes and the roles of external factors e.g. in childhood.

Learning outcomes:

To build on previous knowledge of neurotypical decision making to gain an understanding of how decision making deficits contribute to psychological disorders and how they manifest.


There are no prerequisites for this course. It is open to learners from all levels and subjects with an interest in the subject matter.


Stacey Bedwell
Dr • University of Cambridge


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