Understanding Classroom Interaction

10 h
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  • From www.edx.org
  • Self-paced
  • Free Access
  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 5 Sequences
  • Introductive Level

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Week One: Introduction to classroom interaction (What is it and why do it?)
Introduction to previous classic research and reasons for studying classroom interaction.  Introduction to basic terminology of the field and brief examples of how this terminology can be used to focus our observation of classroom talk. 
Week Two: Turn-taking patterns and question types
Introduction to typical turn-taking patterns, the different types of questions teachers and students ask and the consequences for student engagement and learning.  Students will view examples of different types of questions and analyze the way classroom discussions develop around them. 
Week Three: Beyond Language: The role of intonation, gesture and other non-linguistic cues on interaction
Introduction to the concept of “contextualization cues,” that is the role of gesture, posture, dress, and appearance in cueing how teachers and students understand and contribute to classroom interaction.
Week Four: Types and functions of classroom storytelling
Review of classic research literature on storytelling in classrooms, from pre-school “sharing time” to literature and science discussions. Examples illustrate techniques of narrative analysis in everyday classroom settings. 
Week Five: Types of participation and their effects
Introduction to different participant structures with emphasis on the joint nature of any classroom talk (from group work to teacher-delivered lectures). Examples of how different frameworks for participation in classrooms affects who talks, what gets said, and how. 


3rd or 4th Year Undergraduate Students or Graduate Students who are student teaching, tutoring, or practicing teachers.


Betsy R. Rymes
Professor of Educational Linguistics
University of Pennsylvania


The University of Pennsylvania (commonly known as Penn), founded in 1740, is a private university located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. A member of the Ivy League, Penn is the fourth oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and considers itself the first university in the United States to offer both undergraduate and graduate degrees.


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