- From www.coursera.org
Supply Chain Management: A Learning Perspective

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 10 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
- Week 1 - Re-opening Introduction
In this chapter, Professor Bowon Kim briefly introduces students to this course. It is about philosophical and moral foundation of a supply chain management. - Week 2 - Introduction to Value, Value Creation, and Supply Chain Management
In this chapter, we will learn what a supply chain is, what supply chain management is all about, and why it is important to grasp the fundamentals of supply chain management in creating real value for the customers. - Week 3 - Management Capability
Effective SCM requires the firm to have strong operations capabilities. One can group various operations capabilities into three representative capabilities: Controllability, flexibility, and integrating capability. In order to be competitive in the market, th... - Week 4 - Learning Perspective
Learning is an essential part of any creative activity. In this chapter, we will learn what the learning capability is and its dynamics in supply chain management. We will also look into the learning propensity model and how the learning processes influence t... - Week 5 - Quality Management
Quality is one of the most important factors that determine the utility. That is, the higher the quality, the larger the utility experienced by the customer. But, quality is not a one-dimensional concept. In fact, it is a highly complex, multi-layered one. In ... - Week 6 - New Product Innovation
New product innovation is the key to firm's success. In order to sustain successful business, the firm must design and manage its new product process effectively and efficiently. In this chapter, we will learn new product innovation and new product development... - Week 7 - Supply Chain Strategy I: Structural and Infrastructural Dimensions
In order to optimize the supply chain performance, the firm must design its supply chain effectively. In this chapter, we will talk about how to design the effective supply chain and look into the designing factors of supply chain management in detail. - Week 8 - Supply Chain Strategy II: Coordination for Value Creation
Coordination is the key dimension of infrastructure in supply chain management. In this chapter, we will talk about what supply chain coordination is and why it is important. And we will learn vendor-managed inventory (VMI) and postponement in detail. - Week 9 - Supply Chain Globalization and Sustainability
Why is the effective SCM important for the firm to gain competitive advantage in the global market? In this chapter, we will consider crucial issues related to the question and deal with global supply chain management and value chain sustainability. - Week 10 - Final Exam
The final exam is based on the concepts and theories we have learned in this course. It includes 30 multiple choice questions.
Bowon Kim
KAIST Business School
The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) was established in 1971 by the Korean government as the nation’s first research-intensive graduate school for science, engineering and technology. It has now grown into one of the world’s best universities, delivering top notch education and research programs for undergraduate and graduate students. KAIST encourages interdisciplinary and convergent research across a wide spectrum of disciplines, as well as strong collaborations with industry and global institutions.

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