- From www.futurelearn.com
Strategies for Successful Ageing
10 h
This content is rated 4.5 out of 5

- Free Access
- Free certificate
- 5 Sequences
- Introductive Level
- Starts on September 25, 2016
- Ends on September 30, 2016
Course details
How do you feel about ageing? What choices are you making to stay happy, healthy, socially-connected and active as you age? During this five-week course, distinguished academics and physicians at Trinity College Dublin will present world-leading research in successful ageing, which may challenge many of the assumptions you have about growing old. Learn strategies and tips for healthy, active ageing As a community of learners, we will discuss what you’re doing to maintain your health, increase your wellbeing, maintain friendships and navigate life’s challenges. Together, we will discover the many opportunities for personal growth and community-building by exploring the skills, talents and dreams of older adults. Each week, we will investigate strategies for successful ageing: • Week 1 explores your perceptions and attitudes about ageing; • Week 2 focusses on improving your happiness and wellbeing, by defining what quality of life means to you; • Week 3 places a spotlight on health and presents tips for increasing physical fitness, improving nutrition, and maintaining brain health through the years; • Week 4 celebrates opportunities for staying connected by investigating the expectations you have set for yourself and by sharing your personal strategies for staying involved; • and Week 5 is all about creative ageing, in which we explore the talents and contributions of older adults and share your accomplishments with the world. Choose your approach to successful ageing The knowledge that you gain from this free online course will inspire you to choose activities and behaviours that improve your quality of life. Through this course, we hope you will think differently about ageing and recognise the many contributions that older adults make every day.
- Rose Anne Kenny
- Brian Lawlor
- Deirdre O'Connor
- Deirdre Robertson
- Denis Roche
- Desmond (Des) O'Neill
- Eithne Sexton
- Fiona Newell
- Maria O'Sullivan
- Mary Ni Lochlainn
- Orna Donoghue
- Richard Layte
- Sabina Brennan
- Virpi Timonen
FutureLearn is a massive open online course (MOOC) learning platform founded in December 2012.
It is a company launched and wholly owned by The Open University in Milton Keynes, England. It is the first UK-led massive open online course learning platform, and as of March 2015 included 54 UK and international University partners and unlike similar platforms includes four non-university partners: the British Museum, the British Council, the British Library and the National Film and Television School.

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