- From www.edx.org
Solar Energy: Photovoltaic (PV) Systems

- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 11 Sequences
- Advanced Level
- Starts on December 5, 2022
- Ends on March 23, 2023
Course details
How to design a PV system ranging from a residential rooftop system to a utility scale solar farm taking in to account:
- The effects of the position of the sun and solar irradiance on PV module performance
- Components of a PV system: PV modules, inverters, DC-DC converters, batteries, charge controllers and cables
- The economics and impact on the grid of PV systems
Audit learners can develop their skills and knowledge in relation to the above learning objectives by having access to the video lectures, a limited number of practice exercises and discussion forums.
Verified learners are offered a number of study tools to demonstrate they have mastered the learning objectives. They will have access to all exercises: practice, graded and exams.
Olindo Isabella
Professor, Photovoltaics Material and Devices
TU Delft
Ravi Vasudevan
Postdoctoral Researcher with the Photovoltaic Materials and Devices
TU Delft
Delft University of Technology (in Dutch: Technische Universiteit Delft), better known as TU Delft, is the oldest and largest public university in the Netherlands.
It is based in Delft, in the Netherlands. In the QS World University Rankings 2022, it is ranked among the top 10 engineering and technology universities in the world. In architecture and civil engineering, it was ranked 2nd in the world, after MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

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