Software Testing

This content is rated 4.5 out of 5
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  • Self-paced
  • Free Access
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  • 4 Sequences
  • Introductive Level

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Lesson 1: Domains, Ranges, Oracles, and Kinds of Testing

How to think about the different elements of software testing

Lesson 2: Code Coverage

How to find parts of a program that need more testing

Lesson 3: Random Testing

How to automatically generate test cases that break code in unexpected ways

Lesson 4: Advanced Random Testing

How to engineer a sophisticated random test case generator

Lesson 5: Consequences

How to deal with lots of bugs, how to take a big input that triggers a bug and make it smaller, how to report a bug, and more!###Lesson 6: Conclusion




  • John Regehr - John Regehr is a computer science professor at the University of Utah. His research is on making software fail and on making software that fails less often. Lately, he is obsessed with compiler bugs and integer overflow problems.


Udacity is a for-profit educational organization founded by Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens, and Mike Sokolsky offering massive open online courses (MOOCs). According to Thrun, the origin of the name Udacity comes from the company's desire to be "audacious for you, the student". While it originally focused on offering university-style courses, it now focuses more on vocational courses for professionals.

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