- From www.edx.org
The Software Architect Code: Building the Digital World

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 8 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
PART I: Software Architects Talents
Go to the Renaissance to discover the Da Vinci talents and come back to the future to unveil the talents required for building a digital world.
Week 1: The Da Vinci Code
Understand the Da Vinci talents. We will show that software architects are adventurers, where imagination, optimism, courage, determinism, flexibility, the ability to predict, foresight, perseverance, continuous learning, and a desire to excel are essential ingredients.
Week 2: The Digital World Code
This week, we will travel to the future to decode the talents for working in high-creative teams and the best digital organizations in the world. We want that you understand the key elements to manage engagement, cooperation, innovation and success in a smart world lead by software.
PART 2: Envisioning Needs and Wishes
The art of understanding different prospects to classify and prioritize needs and wishes.
Week 3: Identifying needs
A holistic view of the mission and vision of a system to fulfill all essential needs and to think ahead.
Week 4: Do not reinvent the Wheel, no need!
In this week, software will be presented as an intangible asset that can be designed to be shared and reused.
PART 3: Designing & Testing
Drawing sketches and polishing their design. Looking for perfection
Week 5: Portray a Creator in the Age of Software
We will learn the process of Software Designing, with the creator as main role in the process, focusing on quality values.
Week 6: Looking for perfection
In this week, we show how the testing process is around the whole software architect work.
PART 4: Human Computer Interaction & Thinking Out of the Box
Get to know the main concepts and principles of human computer interaction, creativity and participatory methods that a modern software engineer should be familiar with.
Week 7: From software-centric to human-centric
In this week we will shift the focus from the software itself to the person who uses it and thus we will introduce the main concepts about human computer interaction that a software architect should be familiar with.
Week 8: Creativity and participatory design
We will introduce the need to combine creativity and participatory methods with software engineering practices to be able to think out of the box and imagine new applications.
- Curiosity
- Continuous learning
- Desire to excel
Antonio de Amescua
Full Professor
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Maribel Sánchez Segura
Associate Professor
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Juan Llorens
Full Professor
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Paloma Díaz
Full Professor
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Manuel Velasco
Associate Professor
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Javier García-Guzmán
Associate Professor
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
José María Álvarez Rodríguez
Visiting Professor
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) is an innovative public university committed to the improvement of society through teaching of the highest quality and cutting-edge research in line with stringent international guidelines. UC3M has three degree-granting Schools, in addition to a School of Graduate Studies and a Doctoral School.
Established in 1989, UC3M develops its activities in four campuses and enrolls about 18.000 students in undergraduate and graduate programs (18% are foreign students). UC3M has a large offer of programs taught in English and is the 1st university in Spain and the 3rd in Europe in terms of undergraduate students taking part in the Erasmus student exchange programs. UC3M is included in the QS Top 50 Under 50, a ranking of the world’s top 50 universities established within the last 50 years.

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