- From uneej.com
Rome et Jérusalem : Les Juifs à l'époque romaine
- Free Access
- Free certificate
- 6 Sequences
- Introductive Level
- Starts on May 12, 2019
- Ends on June 29, 2019
Course details
Introduction au cours
Leçon 1 : L’entrée en scène de Rome
Pompée à Jérusalem (-63 av. n.e.)
La partition du royaume hasmonéen
Premières images romaines des juifs
Activités pédagogiques
Quizz hebdomadaire
Introduction à la semaine 2
Leçon 2 : Le règne d’Hérode « roi des Juifs et ami des Romains »
Les Sources et les origines d’hérode
L’ascension d’hérode
Hérode Roi des Juifs
Une succession difficile
Activités pédagogiques
Quizz hebdomadaire
Introduction à la semaine 3
Leçon 3 : Les constructions hérodiennes
Le temple
Activités pédagogiques
Quizz hebdomadaire
Introduction à la semaine 4
Leçon 4 : Le contrôle de Rome sur la Judée
Premier recensement et premiers gouverneurs
Une parenthèse : Le règne d’Agrippa 1er
L’ère des procurateurs
Activités pédagogiques
Quizz hebdomadaire
Introduction à la semaine 5
Leçon 5 : La première révolte contre Rome (66-73)
Les causes de la révolte
Les étapes
Les conséquences
Activités pédagogiques
Quizz hebdomadaire
Introduction à la semaine 6
Leçon 6 : La révolte de Bar Kokhba (132-135)
Les causes de la révolte
Les conséquences
Activités pédagogiques
Quizz hebdomadaire
Évaluation finale
Mireille Hadas-Lebel
Spécialiste de l'histoire du judaïsme antique et de la langue hébraïque.
Professeur émérite d'histoire des religions à l'université de Paris IV-Sorbonne.
The UNEEJ (European Digital University of Jewish Studies), offers a program of online lessons open to all, covering all disciplines of science of Judaism: Jewish History, Hebrew literature, thought and philosophy, Hebrew (Biblical Hebrew, rabbinic, modern), ecology and Judaism, the Jewish populations sociology, psychology and psychoanalysis, social sciences of politics, economics, Hebrew law, interculturalism and dialogue, medical ethics, arts and culture, etc.
This project led by the University Institute Elie Wiesel and the Alliance Israelite Universelle, is a unique initiative of its kind in the French academic world: This is indeed the first online university focused on Jewish studies and science of Judaism. The main objective is to allow all public to access to free courses, varied and of quality, wherever they are in the world.
All courses offered UNEEJ on the platform were designed by professors from the greatest universities in France, Europe, Israel, the United States or Canada. Students and participants can take courses in an interactive and collaborative way, at their own pace.
The UNEEJ (European Digital University of Jewish Studies), offers a program of online lessons open to all, covering all disciplines of science of Judaism: Jewish History, Hebrew literature, thought and philosophy, Hebrew (Biblical Hebrew, rabbinic, modern), ecology and Judaism, the Jewish populations sociology, psychology and psychoanalysis, social sciences of politics, economics, Hebrew law, interculturalism and dialogue, medical ethics, arts and culture, etc.
This project led by the University Institute Elie Wiesel and the Alliance Israelite Universelle, is a unique initiative of its kind in the French academic world: This is indeed the first online university focused on Jewish studies and science of Judaism. The main objective is to allow all public to access to free courses, varied and of quality, wherever they are in the world.
All courses offered UNEEJ on the platform were designed by professors from the greatest universities in France, Europe, Israel, the United States or Canada. Students and participants can take courses in an interactive and collaborative way, at their own pace.