- From www.coursera.org
Process Mining: Data science in Action
30 h
This content is rated 4.5 out of 5

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 6 Sequences
- Intermediate Level
Course details
- Week 1 - Introduction and Data Mining
This first module contains general course information (syllabus, grading information) as well as the first lectures introducing data mining and process mining. - Week 2 - Process Models and Process Discovery
In this module we introduce process models and the key feature of process mining: discovering process models from event data. - Week 3 - Different Types of Process Models
Now that you know the basics of process mining, it is time to dive a little bit deeper and show you other ways of discovering a process model from event data. - Week 4 - Process Discovery Techniques and Conformance Checking
In this module we conclude process discovery by discussing alternative approaches. We also introduce how to check the conformance of the event data and the process model. - Week 5 - Enrichment of Process Models
In this module we focus on enriching process models. We can for instance add the data aspect to process models, show bottlenecks on the process model and analyse the social aspects of the process. - Week 6 - Operational Support and Conclusion
In this final module we discuss how process mining can be applied on running processes. We also address how to get the (right) event data, process mining software, and how to get from data to results.
Wil van der Aalst
Professor dr.ir.
Department of Mathematics & Computer Science
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