- From www.coursera.org
Probabilistic Graphical Models 1: Representation

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 5 Sequences
- Advanced Level
Course details
- Week 1 - Introduction and Overview
This module provides an overall introduction to probabilistic graphical models, and defines a few of the key concepts that will be used later in the course. - Week 1 - Bayesian Network (Directed Models)
In this module, we define the Bayesian network representation and its semantics. We also analyze the relationship between the graph structure and the independence properties of a distribution represented over that graph. Finally, we give some practical tips on... - Week 2 - Template Models for Bayesian Networks
In many cases, we need to model distributions that have a recurring structure. In this module, we describe representations for two such situations. One is temporal scenarios, where we want to model a probabilistic structure that holds constant over time; here,... - Week 2 - Structured CPDs for Bayesian Networks
A table-based representation of a CPD in a Bayesian network has a size that grows exponentially in the number of parents. There are a variety of other form of CPD that exploit some type of structure in the dependency model to allow for a much more compact repr... - Week 3 - Markov Networks (Undirected Models)
In this module, we describe Markov networks (also called Markov random fields): probabilistic graphical models based on an undirected graph representation. We discuss the representation of these models and their semantics. We also analyze the independence prop... - Week 4 - Decision Making
In this module, we discuss the task of decision making under uncertainty. We describe the framework of decision theory, including some aspects of utility functions. We then talk about how decision making scenarios can be encoded as a graphical model called an ... - Week 5 - Knowledge Engineering & Summary
This module provides an overview of graphical model representations and some of the real-world considerations when modeling a scenario as a graphical model. It also includes the course final exam.
Daphne Koller
School of Engineering
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Coursera is a digital company offering massive open online course founded by computer teachers Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller Stanford University, located in Mountain View, California.
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