- From www.coursera.org
機率 (Probability)

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Free certificate
- 10 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
- 1-1:機率概論 -「我和我的小伙伴們都驚呆了!」
- 1-2:集合論 -「這群愛甜豆花,那群愛鹹豆花。」
- 1-3:機率名詞 -「必也正名乎!」
- 2-1:機率公理性質 -「這...這可是神聖的機率三公理啊!」
- 2-2:條件機率 -「有柯南在會有人死的機率?」
- 3-1:獨立性 -「簡直中二。」
- 3-2:圖解繁複機率 -「算累了,不如畫個圖吧?」
- 3-3:數數算機率 -「身為一個熱愛機率的青年,會數數也是非常合理的!」
- 4-1:隨機變數 -「大哥,我真的很懶得寫字啊!」
- 4-2:CDF -「比它小的機率。」
- 4-3:PMF -「落在它頭上的機率。」
- 4-4:離散機率分布 I -「阿宅也有春天~」
- 5-1:離散機率分布 II -「孫中山的最愛是幾何分布?」
- 5-2:PDF -「機率也有密度?」
- 5-3:連續機率分布 -「娘子!有高斯快拜!」
- 6-1:論期望值 -「我要努力向上,不枉諸君期望。」
- 6-2:丙紳獨門心法 -「你我有緣,以絕世奇功相贈。」
- 6-3:隨機變數之函數 -「亂中生亂幾多亂?」
- 7-1:給定事件之條件機率分布與失憶性 -「你這廝實在太 Exponential了!!」
- 7-2:機率常見上界 -「這個邦德,簡直廢物!」
- 7-3:Joint 機率分布 -「可憐的小明!」
- 8-1:Joint PMF/PDF -「當我們同在一起!」
- 8-2:Marginal PMF/PDF -「行與列的邊緣。」
- 8-3:再探期望值 -「期望太多,註定難算~」
- 9-1:Correlation 與 Covariance -「妳倆到底有何關係?!」
- 9-2:給定隨機變數之條件機率分布 -「青春痘的生與死。」
- 9-3:多隨機變數之函數 -「亂與亂,生亂亂。」
- 9-4:隨機變數之和 -「亂加亂,幾多亂?」
- 10-1:MGF -「這是一個偷懶的概念~」
- 10-2:隨機個隨機變數和 -「亂個亂相加,是有多亂?」
- 10-3:中央極限定理 -「萬佛朝宗。」
- 葉丙成 Ping-Cheng Yeh (Benson)
The National University of Taiwan is a public university in Taiwan, located in the city of Taipei.
It is recognised as Taiwan's most prestigious university, training the country's elite in fields as varied as science, economics, finance, languages and politics.
The National Taiwan University (NTU), founded in 1928 in Taipei, has produced many political and social leaders. Both the pan-blue and pan-green movements have their roots on the university campus.
The university has six campuses in the greater Taipei area and two more in Nantou county, covering almost one per cent of the total area of the island of Taiwan.

Coursera is a digital company offering massive open online course founded by computer teachers Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller Stanford University, located in Mountain View, California.
Coursera works with top universities and organizations to make some of their courses available online, and offers courses in many subjects, including: physics, engineering, humanities, medicine, biology, social sciences, mathematics, business, computer science, digital marketing, data science, and other subjects.