活用希臘哲學 (Understanding the Greek Philosophy)

24 h
This content is rated 4.5 out of 5
  • From www.coursera.org
  • Self-paced
  • Free Access
  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 8 Sequences
  • Introductive Level

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  • Week 1 - 希臘哲學的意義與價值
    a. 希臘哲學與中國哲學之三點不同:(1) 言必及物vs.多言無益(2) 抽象思維vs.實用思維(3) 以思考為主的倫理學vs.以情感為主的倫理學 b. 西洋哲學的起源 c. 哲學就是批判理性主義
  • Week 2 - 先蘇哲學 (一)
    a. 西哲第一人:泰利斯 b. 批判老師第一人:阿那克希曼德 c. 回到自然本源:阿那克希曼尼 d. 數字是萬物之本源:畢達哥拉斯
  • Week 3 - 先蘇哲學(二)
    a. 唯一不變的就是變動:愛菲斯學派 b. 存在是不變動的:巴門尼德 c. 最符合常識的多元理論 d. 可以極大也可以極小的原子
  • Week 4 - 詭辯學派
    a. 誰說授課不能領錢:詭辯學派 b. 自詡最會講話的人:普達格拉、高爾吉亞 c. 詭辯學派的哲學價值:相對主義 e. 蘇格拉底的生平與人格特質
  • Week 5 - 蘇格拉底與柏拉圖
    a. 蘇格拉底的詰問法與倫理思想 b. 蘇格拉底的辯護:成功?失敗? c. 柏拉圖:生平與政治理想 d. 柏拉圖:對正義的討論 e. 柏拉圖:靈魂與理型
  • Week 6 - 柏拉圖
    a. 柏拉圖:知識與回憶 b. 柏拉圖:愛的真諦 c. 柏拉圖的目的論立場 d. 柏拉圖的唯心論
  • Week 7 - 從柏拉圖到亞里斯多德
    a. 亞里斯多德對柏拉圖的批判 b. 亞里斯多德的經驗論 c. 亞里斯多德:邏輯學 d. 亞里斯多德:物理學 e. 亞里斯多德:形上學
  • Week 8 - 希臘哲學在西洋哲學史中的重要性
    a. 亞里斯多德:倫理學 b. 亞里斯多德:政治學 c. 亞里斯多德對後代科學發展的影響 d. 多元思維的融合 e. 批判理性的應用 f. 語言決定了世界嗎?




教授 (Professor)
哲學系 (Department of Philosophy)


The National University of Taiwan is a public university in Taiwan, located in the city of Taipei.

It is recognised as Taiwan's most prestigious university, training the country's elite in fields as varied as science, economics, finance, languages and politics.

The National Taiwan University (NTU), founded in 1928 in Taipei, has produced many political and social leaders. Both the pan-blue and pan-green movements have their roots on the university campus.

The university has six campuses in the greater Taipei area and two more in Nantou county, covering almost one per cent of the total area of the island of Taiwan.


Coursera is a digital company offering massive open online course founded by computer teachers Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller Stanford University, located in Mountain View, California. 

Coursera works with top universities and organizations to make some of their courses available online, and offers courses in many subjects, including: physics, engineering, humanities, medicine, biology, social sciences, mathematics, business, computer science, digital marketing, data science, and other subjects.

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