- From www.coursera.org

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 6 Sequences
- Intermediate Level
Course details
Week 1: Overviewof MRI. History of MRI, Comparison with other biomedical imaging modalities,MRI magnet, RF coils, gradient coils.
Week 2: Magnetic resonance phenomenon. microscopic MRI, Larmor equation, RFpulse, relaxation
Week 3: Review of basic signal processing principle. Fourier transform.
Week 4: Formation of an MR image. Concept of FID, spin echo, k-space, slice selection, frequencyencoding, phase encoding, etc.
Week 5: MR imaging parameters and image contrast. Concept of imagingparameters such as TR, TE, FOV, matrix, etc, and image contrast such asT1-weighting, T2-weighting, T2*-weighting.
Week 6: MRI data acquisition strategies. Spin echo, gradient echo, fast spinecho, echo planar imaging, 3D imaging, etc.
Sunghong Park
Associate Professor
Department of Bio and Brain Engineering

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