MOlecules and Materials for the ENergy of TOMorrow (MOMENTOM)

MOlecules and Materials for the ENergy of TOMorrow (MOMENTOM)

20 h
This content is rated 4.5 out of 5
  • From
  • Free Access
  • Free certificate
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  • 6 Sequences
  • Introductive Level
  • Starts on November 3, 2024
  • Ends on December 19, 2024

Course details


  • Chapitre 1 : Matériaux et systèmes pour la conversion de l’énergie solaire
  • Chapitre 2 : Production & conversion de l’énergie à partir de ressources terrestres
  • Chapitre 3 : Les technologies de production de l'hydrogène
  • Chapitre 4 : Stockage de l'hydrogène et intégration pour les applications énergétiques
  • Chapitre 5 : Les technologies pour le stockage électrochimique de l'énergie
  • Chapitre 6 : Nouvelles énergies et société


This MOOC has been thought for Bachelor and Master students, technicians and engineers, as well as for people interested in energy applications. Some basics in materials science are required.

Ce MOOC a été conçu pour les étudiants de niveau licence et master, les techniciens et les ingénieurs, ainsi que pour les personnes intéressées par les applications énergétiques. Quelques notions de base en science des matériaux sont requises.


Loïc Assaud, MOOC MOMENTOM coordinator
Loïc Assaud is an Associate Professor at University Paris-Saclay, he studied Materials Science at the University of Aix-Marseille, France, and graduated with a PhD in 2013. He performed several Research stays at the University of Ottawa (Canada), the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany). His current research focuses on the functionalization of catalytic surfaces for (photo-)electrochemical energy conversion and the development and characterization of electrodes for batteries and their modelling. His teaching activities include sustainable development, materials for energy, electrochemical processes. He is the coordinator of the MOOC MOMENTOM.

Hynd Remita, MOMENTOM Project coordinator
Hynd Remita is Director of Research at the CNRS. After a PhD in Physical Chemistry at the Université Paris-Sud (France), she did her post-doc. at University of Medecine of Sherbrooke (Canada). Her major interests are the development of nanomaterials for Solar Energy Conversion, Photocatalysis, Fuel Cells and Nanomedecine. Her research unites various strategies for the development of synthesis methods for nanomaterials with specific applications (photocatalysis, fuel cells, nanomedecine). The goal is not only to enable the development of practical devices but ultimately, to find out the guiding principles by which the performance of a particular material is achieved. She is also devoted to dissemination of Science. She is the coordinator of the MOMENTOM project.

Patrick Schembri, New Energies and Society coordinator
Patrick Schembri, PhD in Economics (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Univ.), Associate Professor at the University of Paris-Saclay, and the University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ). Current member of the Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Observatory (CNRS-UVSQ), and research fellow at the Interdisciplinary Research Center CEARC.His research activities led him to take part in several national and European research programs concerning sustainable agriculture and water quality, greenhouse gas abatement through fiscal policy in the European Union, as well as the application of monetary and non-monetary procedures of economic valuation for managing sustainable development. His research also focuses on the economic analysis of the smart grid energy and hydrogen in the energy transition, and the modelling of socio-economic scenarios of climate change.

Johnny Deschamps, Hydrogen coordinator
Johnny Deschamps is Professor in the Unité Chimie et Procédés (UCP) at ENSTA IP Paris. His main research activities are the hydrogen production from biomass, the hydrogen storage by adsorption in organic framework materials and the confinement of fluid and metals in porous materials. He develops specific and original techniques of Organic Frameworks doping by using both metals and carbonaceous materials, and teaches the “Hydrogen Network” in several prestigious institutions in France and in China.

Sylvain FRANGER, Electrochemical energy storage coordinator
Sylvain Franger is Full Professor at University Paris-Saclay at the Institute for Molecular Chemistry and Materials of Orsay, his research deals with energy conversion and storage. He is the head of the Master program Energy of the University Paris-Saclay in which he is teaching batteries working principle and limitations and their evolutions for future applications.

Lecturers / intervenants :
Pedro Almeida de Oliveira (Université Paris-Saclay), Loïc Assaud (Université Paris-Saclay), Clément Canton (SIG Energy Technology), Julien Colin (CentraleSupelec – Université Paris-Saclay), Emmanuelle Deleporte (ENS Paris-Saclay), Johnny Deschamps (ENSTA IP Paris), Guilhem Dezanneau (CNRS – CentraleSupelec – Université Paris-Saclay), Stéphane Duquesne (Greenfish), Fabio Ferrari (Symbio), Sylvain Franger (Université Paris-Saclay), Magali Gauthier (CEA – Université Paris-Saclay), Charlie Godano (Greenfish), Antoine Hamet (SIG Energy Technology), Cécile Klinguer (Greenfish), Daniel Lincot (CNRS-IPVF), Arun Kumar Meena (Greenfish – Université Paris-Saclay), Gilles Lancel (EDF), Christian Maugy (PSA Group), Pierre Millet (Université Paris-Saclay – ArevaH2gen), Fabien Miomandre (ENS Paris-Saclay), Valérie Naudet (Air Liquide), Jean-Pierre Ponssard (CNRS – Ecole Polytechnique IP Paris), Jessica Quach (Greenfish), Jean-Paul Reich (Afhypac), Hynd Remita (CNRS-ICP), Patrick Schembri (Université de Versailles Saint Quentin – Université Paris-Saclay), Nathanaelle Schneider (CNRS-IPVF), Philip Schulz (CNRS-IPVF), Anne-Lucie Teillout (Université Paris-Saclay).

Technical and pedagogical Team / Equipe Technique et pédagogique :
Direction en charge de l’Innovation Pédagogique - Université Paris-Saclay : Hugues Cazin d'Honincthun, Gabriel Mathevet, Aurélie Rousseau.

Teaser :
Design Spot - Université Paris-Saclay : Yoann Montenot, Vincent Creance.

Industrial relationships manager / en charge des relations industrielles : Hanene Kooli-Chaabane.


The Université Paris-Saclay was designed in 2019 to develop the continuum of knowledge from fundamental to applied sciences at a level unprecedented in France, emphasising interdisciplinarity and openness to the world. It is the successor to the University of Paris-Sud-XI, founded on 1 January 1971, and its aim is to advance knowledge of the major issues facing society through research of the highest international standard. Université Paris-Saclay provides students with a forward-looking educational framework and content. Ongoing interaction between laboratories and socio-economic players enables the results of cutting-edge research to be transformed into innovations.

The nineteen founding institutions bring to Université Paris-Saclay the strengths for which they are renowned: a close link between education and research, laboratories and major research facilities of international standards, an international reputation for engineering and management courses, and a wide range of high-level courses.

This programme, funded by IDEX Paris-Saclay in addition to the resources provided by the partners, will support the creation of MOOCs and SPOCs for the University's students, as well as continuing education courses for the socio-economic world, with which there are already strong contacts.


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It operates several platforms of diffusion, of which the best known, FUN MOOC, is the first French-speaking academic platform worldwide. Thanks to many partner institutions, this platform offers a vast catalog of courses enriched daily with various themes and current events.

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