- From www.coursera.org
Freedom and protest: Magna Carta and its legacies

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- 6 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
Magna Carta, Parliament and the Law 1215-1300 (Lecturers: Nigel Saul and Jonathan Phillips)
Learning outcome: to set the scene for studying Magna Carta; to show how Magna Carta became embedded in practice in England
Week 2
The reinvention of Magna Carta, 1508-1642 (Lecturer: Justin Champion)
Learning outcomes: to understand how the significance of the Magna Carta was reinvented in the context of the conflict between monarchy and parliament; to explore the use of Magna Carta in political cartoons
Week 3
The Whig Ancient Constitution, 1642-1776 (Lecturer: Justin Champion)
Learning Outcomes: to understand, and examine, how the ‘idea’ rather than the ‘event’ of Magna Carta became used by conservative and radical political groups; to understand the export of the tradition of Magna Carta into the American colonies
Week 4
Magna Carta and the wider world: constitution making (Lecturer: EmmJohnstone with others)
Learning outcomes include: tounderstand the significance of Magna Carta and its ideals in the establishmentof constitutions and bills of human rights over the past two centuries
Week 5
Public history: memorialisation and memorials (Lecturer: Graham Smithand others)
Learning outcomes includeexamining the purposes of commemoration in modern society.
Week 6
Magna Carta: A History of an Argument c.1800-2015 (Lecturer: GrahamSmith)
Learning outcomes include: toappreciate the complex and contested uses of Magna Carta in contemporarydebates about human rights and the rule of law.
- Justin Champion - History
- Emm Johnstone - History, Royal Holloway, University of London
- Nigel Saul - History Department
- Jonathan Phillips - History
- Graham Smith - History Department, Royal Holloway

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