L’esprit entrepreneurial

12 h
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  • From cours.edulib.org
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  • 6 Sequences
  • Introductive Level
  • Starts on November 3, 2018
  • Ends on April 6, 2019

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Course details


Semaine 1 : Introduction

Semaine 2 : Qu’est-ce qu’entreprendre ? Éléments clés d’une démarche entrepreneuriale

Semaine 3 : Quel est mon profil entrepreneurial ?

Semaine 4 : Pourquoi entreprendre? Comprendre ses motivations entrepreneuriales

Semaine 5 : Comment trouver des idées pour un projet d’entreprise ? Sources d’inspiration

Semaine 6 : Quel besoin est-ce que je satisfais ? L’utilité de mon projet pour les clients




– Luis Cisneros : Professeur agrégé au Service de l’enseignement du management à HEC Montréal, il dirige le Parcours entrepreneurial Rémi-Marcoux et le Centre d’entrepreneuriat Banque Nationale-HEC Montréal. Il enseigne l’entrepreneuriat, la gestion des PME et la gestion des entreprises familiales.

– Franck Barès : professeur agrégé à HEC Montréal (Canada) et professeur et maître de conférences CEREFIGE-ICN (Nancy, France). Membre élu du Conseil d’Administration de l’Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation

– Marie-Ange Masson : Coordonnatrice du Parcours entrepreneurial Rémi-Marcoux, formation d’excellence en entrepreneuriat à HEC Montréal. Elle s’intéresse au développement d’outils dédiés aux entrepreneurs et à l’utilisation des « business models » dans les choix stratégiques.


HEC Montréal (École des Hautes Études commerciales de Montréal), is the independent affiliated business school of the Université de Montréal, and the second oldest management School in Canada. It holds accreditations from AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA, one of two schools in North America to hold triple accreditation in management education. The full name of HEC Montreal was École des Hautes Études Commerciales; the school was renamed HEC Montréal in 2002.

It is known for its international atmosphere, with one third of the students and 40% of professors coming from abroad, and favours a multilingual approach to business education, offering bilingual (French and English) and trilingual (French, English and Spanish) bachelor's degrees, and graduate degrees both in English and in French.


EDUlib was launched by HEC Montreal in October 2012 with the aim of making it available to as many people a high quality university education in French in the field of management. EDUlib is now a joint initiative of the University of Montreal and its two affiliated schools, HEC Montreal and Ecole Polytechnique Montreal. The goal remains to offer the greatest number of people a high quality university education in French but in different areas of knowledge of the three partners. EDUlib courses are modeled on those offered-face. They are taught by the same faculty and academic knowledge is transmitted caliber. Course format and frequency change, of course, but not the quality of teaching.

EDUlib is a public education initiative that does not lead to obtaining a university degree. However, it is expected that a statement will crown the efforts of participants who pass quizzes or tests covered in the course. The courses have been designed to be widely accessible, in a concerted effort to spread knowledge.

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