- From www.edx.org
Intellectual Property Law and Policy: Part 1

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 6 Sequences
- Intermediate Level
Course details
Week 1:
A survey of intellectual property law and policy, including patents, copyright, and trademarks.
Week 2:
The theories of intellectual property right and the central debates about IP.
Week 3: What is a patent?
An introduction to patents, and the disclosure requirements.
Week 4: What makes a valid patent?
The novelty and nonobviousness requirements.
Week 5: What do you get with a Patent?
Understanding the scope of patents and the way they are enforced.
Week 6: Exploring tradeoffs
The patentable subject matter requirement and patent policy questions.
R. Polk Wagner
The University of Pennsylvania (commonly known as Penn), founded in 1740, is a private university located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. A member of the Ivy League, Penn is the fourth oldest institution of higher learning in the United States and considers itself the first university in the United States to offer both undergraduate and graduate degrees.

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