- From www.coursera.org
How to finance your venture ?

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 6 Sequences
- Intermediate Level
Course details
Welcome! This first week will help you understanding the different types of financial documents and the information each contains with one goal in mind: make more informed decisions about your venture. - Week 2 - VALUE CREATION AND CASH FLOW
In this module you will learn: How does your venture create wealth? What is a business plan? What is wealth? What are the main financial metrics of wealth creation? How does your venture create cash? What is the Burn rate? Why should you finance your venture t... - Week 3 - GROWTH AND MARKET POWER
Understand that growth and size do influence market power and cash flows/profits as a consequence - Week 4 - THE ENTREPRENEUR AND THE FINANCIERS
Understand the details of the relation between the entrepreneur and the financier, private equity in the first stages, then the public market at the time of the IPO. Understand the expectations, the documentation and the basis of price discovery - Week 5 - VENTURE CAPITAL FINANCING
Understand via real life examples the respective objectives of the entrepreneur and the financiers. Examine the trade off between ownership and growth and get an understanding of the different stages of investment. - Week 6 - Case Study
Michel Fleuriet
Administrator PE Fund Xerys
Philippe Tibi
Professeur chargé de cours
École Polytechnique combines research, teaching and innovation at the highest scientific and technological level in the world to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The leading French engineering school for over 200 years, its training promotes a culture of multidisciplinary scientific excellence, open to a strong humanist tradition.
It was founded in 1794 by the French National Convention under the name École centrale des travaux publics, and militarised in 1804 by Napoleon I. Originally located in Paris, the school has been in Palaiseau (Essonne) since 1976, at the heart of the Paris-Saclay technology cluster. It has the status of a public scientific, cultural and professional establishment (EPSCP-GE), is a military grande école whose engineering course is supervised by the Ministry of the Armed Forces and is a founding member of the Paris Polytechnic Institute.

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