- From www.coursera.org
The Language of Hollywood: Storytelling, Sound, and Color
- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Free certificate
- 5 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
Here is a week-by week description of the course and the films discussed. Each lecture is followed by an ungraded multiple choice quiz. At the end of the course, students can complete a longer, 20 question multiple-choice quiz for a grade. This is an online educational experience, not intended to be equivalent to a college course.
Week One:
Lecture One: Form, Technology, and the Art ofCinema
Lecture Two: The Power of Silence: Cinema as a VisualArt.
Watch Street Angel (Fox, 1928)
NOTE: Street Angel is Optional because the purchase price of the DVD can be prohibitive.
Lecture Three: Street Angel: Borzage's Visual Opera
Lecture Four: von Sternberg's World
Watch Docks of New York (Paramount, 1928)
Lecture Five: Docks of New York: The Seedy Side of Silence
Week Two:
Lecture One: Sound Comes to Cinema
Watch Applause (Paramount, 1929)
Lecture Two:Applause, Mamoulian's Struggle for Style
Lecture Three: The Marx Brothers: Unbridled Talk
Watch Monkey Business (Paramount, 1931)
Lecture Four: Monkey Business: Vaudeville Anarchy in the SoundFilm
Week Three:
Lecture One: Gunfire and the City: Introduction to the Gangster Film
Watch Scarface (United Artists, 1932)
Lecture Two: Scarface: Sound and the Gangster's World
Lecture Three: Building an Atmosphere: Val Lewton’sHorror Films
Watch The Ghost Ship (RKO 1943)
Lecture Four: Ghost Ship: Horror through Sound and Light
Week Four:
Lecture One: Harnessing the Rainbow: IntroducingTechnicolor
Watch Trail of the Lonesome Pine (Paramount, 1936)
Lecture Two: Trail of the Lonesome Pine: Dramatic Restraint
Lecture Three: The Color of Adventure
Watch Adventures of Robin Hood (Warner Bros. 1938)
Lecture Four: Robin Hood: Technicolor’sNew Palette.
Week Five:
Lecture One: Color and Melodrama
Watch All that Heaven Allows (Universal, 1958)
Lecture Two: All that Heaven Allows: Orange,Blue, Loss and Longing
Lecture Three: Continuing the Technicolor Tradition
Watch Punch Drunk Love (New Line: 2002)
Lecture Four: Punch Drunk Love: P.T. Anderson's Palette Games
Lecture Five: Conclusions
- Scott Higgins - Film Studies
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