- From www.coursera.org
Foundations for Assisting in Home Care

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 13 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
- Week 1 - Course Information Documents
Contains the syllabus, grading and logistics, and references - Week 2 - Module 1 - Introduction to Home Health Care
Introduction to Home Health Care - Week 3 - Module 2 - Working Effectively with Home Care Clients
Human Needs, Culture & Diversity, Communication Skills, Developing a Therapeutic Relationship, Patients' Rights - Week 4 - Module 3 - Working with the Elderly
Working with the Elderly - Week 5 - Module 4 - Working with Children
Working with Children - Week 6 - Module 5 - Working with People Who Are Mentally Ill
Working with People Who Are Mentally Ill - Week 7 - Module 6 - Working with People with Developmental Disabilities
Working with People with Developmental Disabilities - Week 8 - Module 7 - Working with People with Physical Disabilities
Working with People with Physical Disabilities - Week 9 - Module 8 - Food, Nutrition, and Meal Preparation
- Week 10 - Module 9 - Family Spending and Budgeting
- Week 11 - Module 10 - Care of the Home and Personal Belongings
- Week 12 - Module 11 - Safety and Injury Prevention
- Week 13 - Module 12 - Personal Care
Erin O'Hara-Leslie
Chairperson/Assistant Professor/Grant Program Director
SUNY Broome Medical Assisting & Health Studies
Andrea C. Wade, Ph.D.
Provost and Vice President, Academic Services
Monroe Community College
Kimberly B. McLain, Ph.D.
Curricula Course Developer, MOOC; Assistant Professor
SUNY Broome Medical Assisting & Health Studies
Tera Doty-Blance
Instructional Designer
Teaching Resource Center

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