- From www.coursera.org
- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Free certificate
- 8 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
第一講 / 工程圖學意義與目的
101 概念:如何學好本課程
102 概念:工程圖學是工程師的語言
103 概念:工程師的圖學素養
104 概念:工程師的圖學工具
105 實作:AUTO CAD2015 應用程式 軟體安裝
106 作業:完成軟體安裝
第二講 / 基礎繪製技巧
201 概念:基礎描繪技巧畫直線
202 概念:基礎描繪技巧畫圓、橢圓、弧
203 概念:進階描繪技巧實物描繪
204 實作:手繪畫線(line)、圓 (circle)、弧 (arc)、畫橢圓 (ellipse)
205 實作:AUTOCAD畫線 (line)、圓 (circle)、弧(arc)
206 實作:AUTOCAD畫橢圓 (ellipse)
207 作業:畫茶壼(手繪、電繪)
第三講 / 幾何圖法
301 概念:幾何構圖
302 概念:直線與角度任意等分
303 概念:多邊形繪製
303 概念:橢圓繪製
305 概念:拋物線繪製
306 實作:AUTO CAD視點(視窗縮放)控制 (zoomin/out)
307 實作:AUTO CAD基本格線和鎖點 (grid and snap)
308 實作:AUTO CAD進階格線和鎖點物件鎖點(grid and snap/object snap )
309 實作:AUTO CAD畫聚合線 (polyline)
310 實作:AUTO CAD畫曲線 (spline) 拋物線繪製
311 作業:畫抛物線
第四講 / 三視圖
401 概念:正投影的基本概念
402 概念:點、線、面投影
403 概念:三視圖製圖程序
404 實作:手繪 EGCube #1三視圖
405 實作:AUTO CAD選擇物件方式 (select)
406 實作:AUTO CAD用座標系統繪圖 (precise drawing)
407 實作:AUTO CAD修剪 (trim)
408 實作:AUTO CAD繪製 EG Cube #1三視圖
409 作業三:畫 EG Cube # 2三視圖(手繪、電繪)
第五講 / 三視圖細節
501 概念:投影面視圖的選擇和安排
502 概念:隱藏線和中心線線條重疊優先順序
503 圓柱與曲面慣用表示
504 概念:三視圖特訓
505 實作:手繪三視圖範例
506 實作:AUTOCAD陣列 (array)
507 實作:AUTOCAD旋轉 (rotate)
508 實作:AUTOCAD縮放和鏡射 (scale and mirror)
509 實作:AUTOCAD移動旋轉 (move and rotate)
510 實作:AUTOCAD三視圖範例
511作業三:畫 EG Cube # 3三視圖(手繪、電繪)
第六講 / 尺寸標註與出圖
601 概念:尺寸標註
602 概念:文字註解
603 概念:標題欄與出圖
604 實作:AUTO CAD尺寸標註 (dimension)
605 實作:AUTO CAD文字註解
606 實作:AUTO CAD圖框及出圖 (layout)
607 實作:AUTO CAD選擇進階 (advance selection)
608 實作:AUTO CAD(Hatch)
609 實作:AUTO CAD圖層(layer)
610 作業:工程圖面呈現
第七講 / 期末回顧
701 成果講評
702 康老師的最後提醒
703 介紹:台大新月台專題實作經驗(現場手繪)
704 台大新月台專題實作經驗(建築平立面圖)
- 康仕仲 (Shih-Chung Jessy Kang) - 土木工程系 (Civil Engineering)
The National University of Taiwan is a public university in Taiwan, located in the city of Taipei.
It is recognised as Taiwan's most prestigious university, training the country's elite in fields as varied as science, economics, finance, languages and politics.
The National Taiwan University (NTU), founded in 1928 in Taipei, has produced many political and social leaders. Both the pan-blue and pan-green movements have their roots on the university campus.
The university has six campuses in the greater Taipei area and two more in Nantou county, covering almost one per cent of the total area of the island of Taiwan.
Coursera is a digital company offering massive open online course founded by computer teachers Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller Stanford University, located in Mountain View, California.
Coursera works with top universities and organizations to make some of their courses available online, and offers courses in many subjects, including: physics, engineering, humanities, medicine, biology, social sciences, mathematics, business, computer science, digital marketing, data science, and other subjects.