From Fossil Resources to Biomass: A Chemistry Perspective

From Fossil Resources to Biomass: A Chemistry Perspective

100 h
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  • Self-paced
  • Free Access
  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 5 Sequences
  • Advanced Level

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1: Introduction to Biobased Sciences

Learn about the products that can be derived from biomass and the processes used to do so, compared to current fossil based products and processes.

2: Biomass Production

A biobased economy runs on biomass. It is therefore important to understand which factors play a major role in crop growth, yield formation and quality. In this module you’ll learn to identify design criteria for the production of biobased crops on both a crop and farm level.

3: Biorefinery

Biorefinery deals with the challenge of extracting valuable biomass components and converting them to final products. To achieve this you first need knowledge of the different types of biomass, the molecules present and their chemical characteristics. Biorefinery is all about efficient processing.

Aspects of processing include the harvesting, pre-treatments, conversion and separation technologies.

4: Bioconversion

Learn how to convert molecules through microbial processes. Find out how to choose the right host organism and how choices in process design influence cell growth, substrate conversion and product formation.

5: Chemical Conversion

Explore catalytic conversion of biomass by discussing types of catalysts, special challenges for catalysis when converting biomass and the interplay of catalysis and up/down stream processes.


To optimally learn in/from and complete the complete MicroMasters Program we expect you to have a bachelor degree in social sciences (preferably business-, or economics). However, there is no formal entry level requirement for this MOOC.


Harry Bitter
Professor Biobased Chemistry and Technology
Wageningen University & Research

Maria Barbosa
Associate Professor Microalgae Biotechnology
Wageningen University & Research

Corjan van den Berg
Assistant Professor, Bioprocess Engineering
Wageningen University & Research

Paul Struik
Professor of Crop Physiology
Wageningen University & Research

Elinor Scott
Associate Professor Biobased Chemistry and Technology
Wageningen University & Research


Wageningue University is located in Wageningue, the Netherlands. Its campus is located on the outskirts of the city, which allows it to plan numerous extensions to its premises, all of which are already ultra-modern, due to its scientific nature. The university focuses on life sciences, sociology, business relations and natural resources.

In particular, the University is home to the Alterra Institute for multidisciplinary research into the artificial and man-made environment (rural environment, urban ecology, green spaces, green webs).


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