- From www.coursera.org
食品安全與毒理 (Food Safety & Toxicology)
- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 6 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
- Week 1 - 食品與毒理學原理
本週課程會先將接下來六週內容做一次性的概述,認識可能造成食品危害的途徑。學習毒理學之基本概念如ADME、ADI,與如何將其應用於食品檢驗標準的方法。修完此週後應會對檢驗標準的訂定有一定認識,且能藉由自身判斷新聞中常見的檢驗超標或殘留所代表的意義。 - Week 2 - 食物與環境污染物
本週將介紹食物中各種來自環境的污染物,包含農藥超標問題,重金屬、戴奧辛、多氯聯苯等環境賀爾蒙,與細菌污染相關知識。 - Week 3 - 食物中天然動植物毒素
「天然就是健康的嗎?」本週將介紹天然食物中所不為人知的一面,包含天然食物複雜的成分中可能會具有毒性的物質,如動植物毒素、黴菌毒素與蕈菇毒素,和非毒素所造成的不適反應,如食物過敏反應。最後對輻射污染與基改食品兩個眾所關注的議題進行討論。 - Week 4 - 食物烹調產生的毒性物質
介紹過了食物在上游處理過程中可能造成的食安危害,這週要介紹的是食物在烹煮過程中可能產生的有害物質,包含燒烤產生的多環芳香族碳氫化合物、油炸所產生的丙烯醯胺,與香腸中的亞硝酸鹽會造成什麼危害?最後介紹了由餐具釋放的有毒物質。希望在學完本週課程後可以學會如何在食物的烹煮過程中避開或減少攝取這些毒性物質。 - Week 5 - 食品添加物
食品添加物在近期常常被提出討論,過量添加與違法添加的事件也時有耳聞,造成社會大眾恐慌。成分表上複雜的添加物名詞,與多種不知名的添加物是否讓你不知所措?揪竟如此多種的食品添加物吃進肚子裡會對人體造成什麼為害?在本週將對現在市面上常見的食品添加物進行介紹,包含防腐劑、保色劑、乳化劑等等。 - Week 6 - 卡路里的毒性效應與總結
教授 (Professor)
醫學院毒理學研究所 (Graduate Institute of Toxicology)
The National University of Taiwan is a public university in Taiwan, located in the city of Taipei.
It is recognised as Taiwan's most prestigious university, training the country's elite in fields as varied as science, economics, finance, languages and politics.
The National Taiwan University (NTU), founded in 1928 in Taipei, has produced many political and social leaders. Both the pan-blue and pan-green movements have their roots on the university campus.
The university has six campuses in the greater Taipei area and two more in Nantou county, covering almost one per cent of the total area of the island of Taiwan.
Coursera is a digital company offering massive open online course founded by computer teachers Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller Stanford University, located in Mountain View, California.
Coursera works with top universities and organizations to make some of their courses available online, and offers courses in many subjects, including: physics, engineering, humanities, medicine, biology, social sciences, mathematics, business, computer science, digital marketing, data science, and other subjects.