Evolution of the Human Sociality: A Quest for the Origin of Our Social Behavior

12 h
This content is rated 4.5 out of 5
  • From www.edx.org
  • Self-paced
  • Free Access
  • Fee-based Certificate
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  • 6 Sequences
  • Introductive Level

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Week 1: History & Concept of Japanese Primatology

- The Dawn of Primatology
- The History of Japanese Primatology
- "Culture" of Non-Human Animals
- Studies on Gorillas

Week 2: What Primatologists Found on Japanese Macaques

- Different Models for the Social Evolution in Non-Human Primates
- Living in the Northern Limit: Japanese Macaques
- Society of Japanese Macaques and Effects of Provisioning
- Forests Make Society: A Comparative Study of Japanese Macaques
- Social Differences between Kinkazan and Yakushima
- New Findings from Yakushima and Conclusion

Week 3: The Places Where Humans and Primates Evolved

- Tropical Rain Forest Where Primates Evolved
- Humans Exited from the Forest
- Adaptation of Primates in African Tropical Forest
- Co-Evolution of Plants and Primates
- Evolution of Human Ancestors
- How do Gorillas and Chimpanzees Coexist?
- My Study on Sympatric Gorillas and Chimpanzees in DR Congo

Week 4: Food and Sex Shape Primate Sociality

- Influences of Food on Primate Society
- Inter-Individual Relationships and Food Transfer
- The New Discovery of Food Sharing among Adult Gorillas
- Human Evolution and Food Sharing
- How Does Sex Shape Primate Sociality
- Human Sexuality and Evolution of Social Structure

Week 5: Aggression and Society

- Has Human Evolved as an Excellent Hunter?
- Aggression and Social Intelligence of Old World Monkeys
- Face to Face Communication in Great Apes and Humans
- Infanticide in Non-Human Primates
- Infanticide Affects Social Behavior

Week 6: Evolution of Life History Strategy

- Primates Are Mammals of Slow Life History and Careful Nurturing
- Female Dispersal Versus Female Philopatry
- Life History in Human and Great Apes: Similarity and Uniqueness
- Human Evolution: From Bipedalism to Family Formation
- Synthesis: Evolution of Human Sociality


No previous academic knowledge is required.


Juichi Yamagiwa
Professor Emeritus, Former President
Kyoto University

Shun Hongo
Researcher, Primate Research Institute
Kyoto University


Kyoto University


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