Etudier à l'université Paris 2 : Pour qui ? Pour quoi ?

Etudier à l'université Paris 2 : Pour qui ? Pour quoi ?

7 h
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  • Free Access
  • Free certificate
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  • 7 Sequences
  • Introductive Level
  • Starts on February 4, 2021
  • Ends on March 14, 2021

Course details


  • Partie 1 : Offre de formation
  • Partie 2 : Campus Paris / Vaugirard
  • Partie 3 : Campus Melun
  • Partie 4 : Mission Orientation- Emploi
  • Partie 5 : Ateliers professionnels
  • Partie 6 : Questions sur vos candidatures
  • Partie 6 : Echanges avec vos pairs


Aucun pré-requis n'est nécessaire.

Ce MOOC "Étudier à l’université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas : pour qui ? Pour quoi ?" s'adresse à l'ensemble des lycéens, étudiants, parents, équipe éducative qui souhaite découvrir l'offre de formation de l'université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas, la vie étudiante à Paris 2.


Panthéon-Assas University, is a public research university in Paris, France. It was established so as to succeed the faculty of law and economics of the University of Paris, as the latter was divided into thirteen autonomous universities, following the events of May 1968.

The majority of the nineteen campuses of Panthéon-Assas are located in the Latin Quarter, with the main campus on place du Panthéon. The university is composed of four departments specializing in law, economics, public and private management, and political science, and hosts twenty-four research centres and five specialized doctoral schools. Every year, the university enrolls approximately 18,000 students, including 3,000 international students.

Since its founding, Panthéon-Assas has produced two presidents, four prime ministers and the holders of thirty-seven other ministerships around the world. Forty alumni of the university have been members of various parliaments as well. Faculty members of Panthéon-Assas have included eminent jurists and politicians.


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