- From www.edx.org
Welcome to Global Freshman Academy

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- 4 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
- What Global Freshman Academy (GFA) is
- How GFA works
- Who GFA is for
- Courses that are available through ASU to earn academic credit
Arizona State University (ASU) is a public university located in Tempe, Arizona. Founded in 1885 as a teacher training college when the state was still a territory, the school became a university in 1958.
ASU is one of the largest public universities in the United States. At the start of the 2018 academic year, nearly 80,000 students were enrolled, including 66,000 undergraduates. In 2017, the number of international students was 10,268. One hundred and fifty nationalities are represented, including France, with Sciences Po Aix in particular.
The university is organised around five campuses and 17 colleges. It offers 350 undergraduate programmes and 400 postgraduate programmes.

Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the University of California, Berkeley, are just some of the schools that you have at your fingertips with EdX. Through massive open online courses (MOOCs) from the world's best universities, you can develop your knowledge in literature, math, history, food and nutrition, and more. These online classes are taught by highly-regarded experts in the field. If you take a class on computer science through Harvard, you may be taught by David J. Malan, a senior lecturer on computer science at Harvard University for the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. But there's not just one professor - you have access to the entire teaching staff, allowing you to receive feedback on assignments straight from the experts. Pursue a Verified Certificate to document your achievements and use your coursework for job and school applications, promotions, and more. EdX also works with top universities to conduct research, allowing them to learn more about learning. Using their findings, edX is able to provide students with the best and most effective courses, constantly enhancing the student experience.