- From www.coursera.org
Effective Classroom Interactions: Supporting Young Children’s Development
- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Free certificate
- 4 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
Week One – Creating Emotionally SupportiveClassrooms:
We’ll take a closer look at the importance of interactions and thepower that teachers have in the development of young children. This week willinclude an overview of the areas and dimensions of the Teaching throughInteractions Framework. For this course, we’ll focus specifically on the areaof Emotional Support.
Week Two – Building Positive Relationshipswith Children – The dimension of Positive Climate:
This week will focus on thefirst dimension of Emotional Support – Positive Climate. You’ll learn about theimportance of Positive Climate, see examples of real teachers as theydemonstrate effective Positive Climate interactions with their students, and geta chance to analyze what you’re seeing. There will also be an optional homeworkassignment in which you will videotape your own teaching interactions withchildren and then analyze what you see based on what you have learned aboutPositive Climate.
Week Three – Providing Individualized Supportto Young Children – The dimension of Teacher Sensitivity:
This week will focus on the nextdimension of Emotional Support – Teacher Sensitivity. You’ll learn about theimportance of sensitive interactions with children and what sensitiveinteractions look like in real classrooms. You’ll have the opportunity toanalyze classroom videos based on what you know about Teacher Sensitivity.Again, there will be an optional homework assignment in which you willvideotape your own teaching and analyze your interactions looking specificallyat the dimension of Teacher Sensitivity.
Week Four – Supporting Children’sIndependence and Sense of Self – The dimension of Regard for Child Perspectives:
In the final week, you’ll learn about the last Emotional Support dimension –Regard for Child Perspectives. You’ll learn how important it is for youngchildren to have opportunities for their voices and perspectives to be heard,as well as how to foster children’s feelings of self-efficacy and positiveself-concepts through your daily interactions. In addition to opportunities toview and analyze classroom interactions based on your knowledge of Regard forChild Perspectives, you’ll have an optional homework assignment allowing you to dothe same thing with videotape of your own classroom interactions. Finally,we’ll sum up all that you have learned about all of the dimensions of EmotionalSupport across the course.
- Sarah Lydic - Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning (CASTL)
- Kathy Neesen - Curry School of Education
- Grace Funk - Curry School of Education
- Allison Leach - Curry School of Education
- Bridget Hamre - Curry School of Education
The University of Virginia (also known as UVA, UVa, Virginia) is located on the east coast of the United States in Charlottesville, Virginia. It has also been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1987. The university was founded in 1819 by Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence and the third American president.
The University of Virginia is a renowned public institution of higher education that belongs to the Universitas 21 network. Always ranked in the top 25 American universities, it is also part of the "Public Ivies", a network of the best public universities in the country, which are reputed to offer a level of education comparable to that of Ivy League institutions.
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