Des particules aux étoiles

10 h
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  • Free Access
  • Free certificate
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  • 10 Sequences
  • Introductive Level
  • Starts on November 17, 2019
  • Ends on February 17, 2020

Course details


Le MOOC «des particules aux étoiles» sera ouvert progressivement sur une période d'environ dix semaines. Il est organisé suivant trois grands thèmes :

  1. Les grandes questions de la physique des deux infinis
  2. Les instruments
  3. Les applications

auxquels vient s'ajouter un volet « insertion » en guise de conclusion.

The MOOC "from particles to stars" will be opened gradually over a period of about ten weeks. It is organized in three main themes :

  1. The great questions
  2. the instruments
  3. The applications
to which is added, in conclusion, an integration component.


Ce MOOC s'adresse aux doctorants aux étudiants de master, de licence et à tous les curieux de la physique fondamentale et de ses applications. Un niveau de L3 scientifique est suffisant pour pouvoir suivre la plus grande partie des séquences. Le MOOC est sous-titrés en anglais (english subtitles available)

The MOOC is intended for PhD students but also for master students, undergraduates and all those who are curious about fundamental physics and its applications. For all sequences, english subtitles are available.


Frédéric Déliot
Co-directeur de l'école doctorale PHENIICS. Physicien des particules à l’Institut de recherche sur les lois fondamentales de l’Univers (CEA-Irfu, Saclay)

Frédéric Fleuret
Co-directeur de l'école doctorale PHENIICS. Physicien au Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet du CNRS/IN2P3, École polytechnique.

Éric Vantroeyen
Chargé de mission e-learning à l’École polytechnique : développement des Technologies de l'information et de la communication pour l'enseignement.


The Université Paris-Saclay was designed in 2019 to develop the continuum of knowledge from fundamental to applied sciences at a level unprecedented in France, emphasising interdisciplinarity and openness to the world. It is the successor to the University of Paris-Sud-XI, founded on 1 January 1971, and its aim is to advance knowledge of the major issues facing society through research of the highest international standard. Université Paris-Saclay provides students with a forward-looking educational framework and content. Ongoing interaction between laboratories and socio-economic players enables the results of cutting-edge research to be transformed into innovations.

The nineteen founding institutions bring to Université Paris-Saclay the strengths for which they are renowned: a close link between education and research, laboratories and major research facilities of international standards, an international reputation for engineering and management courses, and a wide range of high-level courses.

This programme, funded by IDEX Paris-Saclay in addition to the resources provided by the partners, will support the creation of MOOCs and SPOCs for the University's students, as well as continuing education courses for the socio-economic world, with which there are already strong contacts.


France Université Numérique is the broadcaster of the online courses of French higher education institutions and their partners.

It operates several platforms of diffusion, of which the best known, FUN MOOC, is the first French-speaking academic platform worldwide. Thanks to many partner institutions, this platform offers a vast catalog of courses enriched daily with various themes and current events.

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