- From www.coursera.org
Converter Circuits

- Self-paced
- Free Access
- Fee-based Certificate
- 4 Sequences
- Introductive Level
Course details
- Week 1 - Ch 4.1: Switch Realization
How to implement the switches using transistors and diodes, including applications having bidirectional power flow or ac outputs - Week 2 - Ch 4.2: Power Semiconductor Switches
Basics of power semiconductor switches, including the origins of switching times and switching loss. How to incorporate switching loss into equivalent circuit models. MOSFETs, IGBTs, and gate driver considerations. - Week 3 - Ch 5: Discontinuous Conduction Mode
The discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) arising from unidirectional switch realization. Analysis of mode boundaries and output voltage. - Week 4 - Ch 6: Converter Circuits
Some well-known converter circuits and their origins. How to incorporate transformer isolation into a dc-dc converter. Analysis and equivalent circuit modeling of transformer-isolated converters.
Dr. Robert Erickson
Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering
The University of Colorado at Boulder is an American university located in Boulder (Colorado).
The university was founded in 1870, six years after the creation of the state of Colorado. It was built on a 30-hectare site. In 1872, the campus was enlarged to 80 hectares.

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