- From www.fun-mooc.fr
Concepts et méthodes en épidémiologie
- Free Access
- Free certificate
- 6 Sequences
- Introductive Level
- Starts on March 28, 2021
- Ends on May 9, 2021
Course details
Semaine 1 : Introduction / Week 1: Introduction
Semaine 2 : Indicateurs / Week 2: Indicators
Distribution de l’article sur la surveillance du mélanome en France
Distribution of an article on melanoma monitoring in France
Semaine 3 : Surveillance / études cas-témoins / Week 3: Monitoring/case-control studies
Distribution de l’article sur l’étude cas-témoins sur les hépatites aiguës C en Egypte
Distribution of an article about case-control studies on acute hepatitis C in Egypt
Semaine 4 : Etudes de cohorte / Week 4: Cohort studies
Distribution de l’article sur la cohorte étudiant la relation fruits oléagineux et infarctus.
Distribution of an article on the cohort studying the relation between oleaginous fruits and heart attacks
Semaine 5 : Essais randomisés / dépistage / Week 5: Randomised trials/screening
Correction de l’article sur la cohorte étudiant la relation fruits oléagineux et infarctus
Correction of the article on the cohort studying the relation between oleaginous fruits and heart attacks
Semaine 6 : Divers / Week 6: Miscellaneous
Examen / Exam
Ce cours s’adresse à toute personne qui souhaite savoir ce qu’est l’épidémiologie et quels en sont les débouchés.
Il est particulièrement indiqué pour des étudiants et professionnels qui s’interrogent sur les métiers ayant trait à la santé des populations, mieux connus sous le nom de métiers de la santé publique.
Ce cours peut également venir en appoint aux professionnels d’autres disciplines de la santé publique (ex : politiques de santé, économie de la santé) qui voudraient mieux comprendre la place que tient l’épidémiologie dans l’étude de la santé des populations.
This course is for anyone who wants to know more about epidemiology and its related job prospects.
It is particularly relevant for students and professionals who are interested in professions concerning population health, better known under the name of the public health profession.
This course can also serve as a supplement for professionals from other disciplines of public health (e.g. public health policy, health economics) who would like to better understand epidemiology’s role in the study of population health.
Il n’y a pas de prérequis, même si des notions de biostatistique sur les tests d’hypothèse pourront être utiles. Qu’en est-il des connaissances médicales ? Elles aideront bien sûr, mais ne sont pas nécessaires, loin de là. Dans les pays anglo-saxons, la majorité des spécialistes de santé publique sont des non médecins.
Attention, deux études de cas sont tirées d’articles scientifiques en anglais. Une compréhension de l’anglais écrit sera donc importante pour ces deux exercices.
There are no prerequisites, although knowledge of biostatistics would be useful for hypothesis tests. What about medical knowledge? Of course, the more you know, the better, but it is far from necessary. In Anglo-Saxon countries, the majority of public health specialists are not doctors.
Note: two of the case studies are drawn from scientific articles in English. An understanding of written English will therefore be important for these two exercises.
Arnaud Fontanet
Professeur du Cnam responsable des enseignements en Santé et Développement et Directeur de l’Unité d’Épidémiologie des Maladies Émergentes à l’Institut Pasteur
The Conservatoire national des arts et métiers is a major higher education establishment dedicated to lifelong learning. Created by the Convention in 1794 at the suggestion of Abbé Henri Grégoire "to improve national industry", CNAM is now a public scientific, cultural and professional institution with the status of a grand établissement.
Every year, the public institution, its 28 regional centres and its 150 teaching centres welcome almost 100,000 students (employees, jobseekers, self-employed workers), who come to Cnam to update their knowledge, improve their skills or acquire a diploma, from baccalaureate level to post-graduate and engineering diplomas.
In order to meet the expectations of its customers, Cnam has set itself the target of offering 70% of its training courses in digital format, enabling a variety of learning methods to be used (face-to-face, hybrid, distance learning) and ensuring that its courses are accessible to everyone, anywhere and at any time.
In addition to this objective, the Cnam has included in its master plan the development of massive, open and online courses (MOOC) for the French-speaking public, which will complement its range of degree courses in different ways. The first courses in the fields of management, health, IT and mathematics are already in production.
France Université Numérique is the broadcaster of the online courses of French higher education institutions and their partners.
It operates several platforms of diffusion, of which the best known, FUN MOOC, is the first French-speaking academic platform worldwide. Thanks to many partner institutions, this platform offers a vast catalog of courses enriched daily with various themes and current events.