- From www.fun-mooc.fr
Collection Mathématiques : 2- Équations du second degré, équations algébriques
- Free Access
- Free certificate
- 1 Sequence
- Intermediate Level
- Starts on January 9, 2022
- Ends on April 30, 2022
Course details
Equations du second degré, équations algébriques
- Equation du second degré
- Somme et produit des racines
- Equations algébriques de degré 3 et 4
- Formule du binôme de Newton
Ce MOOC s’adresse aux personnes ayant suivi une 1ère et une Terminale scientifique.
Gilbert Monna
Professeur de mathématiques en classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles depuis 1988. Il a a participé à de nombreux jurys de concours d’entrée dans les grandes écoles (il est en particulier correcteur au concours commun Mines-Ponts depuis 1985), à des jurys de concours de recrutement de l’Education Nationale et il a publié plusieurs ouvrages de problèmes et exercices pour les classes préparatoires.
École Polytechnique combines research, teaching and innovation at the highest scientific and technological level in the world to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The leading French engineering school for over 200 years, its training promotes a culture of multidisciplinary scientific excellence, open to a strong humanist tradition.
It was founded in 1794 by the French National Convention under the name École centrale des travaux publics, and militarised in 1804 by Napoleon I. Originally located in Paris, the school has been in Palaiseau (Essonne) since 1976, at the heart of the Paris-Saclay technology cluster. It has the status of a public scientific, cultural and professional establishment (EPSCP-GE), is a military grande école whose engineering course is supervised by the Ministry of the Armed Forces and is a founding member of the Paris Polytechnic Institute.
France Université Numérique is the broadcaster of the online courses of French higher education institutions and their partners.
It operates several platforms of diffusion, of which the best known, FUN MOOC, is the first French-speaking academic platform worldwide. Thanks to many partner institutions, this platform offers a vast catalog of courses enriched daily with various themes and current events.